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(1 edit) (+4)

My theory is that the Peacock is Clément grandson and one that could've been the heir of the hotel (if not by the MC intruding).

 By my math Clément was AT LEAST 81 YEARS OLD (Based when the game takes place + the last check-in on the hotel entrance + the time they [last master] ignored him for 16 years told in the near ending of positive affection route) and ABOUT 100+ YEARS OLD (a child that just got born can't rule a hotel if you know what I mean) by the time the game takes place (somewhere after the Notre Dame cathedral burned down), Asterion does mention mithical creatures being in the staff but never talked about an actually master being one of them.

I think Clément died just after we left the location then that triggered the peacock dreams.


One "Easter egg" if you haven't noticed.


An interesting theory, but we don't know enough yet.  Asterion and Argos keep making very clear declarations that the master is of "Mankind"- namely in how Asterion constantly is reflecting on the cruelty the hotel brings out in his human jailers. Theres also a few mentions whenever Argos is prattling on about Mankinds duty and veneration of the gods, but usually I'm to busy trying to see the trick in his words to catch the words themselves.. At the same time,the feathers in the vase that you spotted to indicate that the new peacock is definitely tied to the hotel. Also, there is a possibility clement slept with one of the guests, so we can't rule out a clement lineage connection yet.