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I think Ank is right. The only files that you need to move (and override) are the ones inside of the “IMPORTANT” folder. Those are full copies of the files that are being replaced with the necessary changes, while the ones in “files” directly in the mod’s primary folder are only the extra changes to those files that affect or add functions (ie: not the full files needed to run the game).

I would recommend starting from a fresh vanilla Strive extraction (as some of the modded files in AricsExpansion/files aren’t ones fully replaced, so using a non-vanilla will still have errors). Delete the backups folder (again) if it’s there. Copy/paste the files in the “Important/Add to Game Folder” files into your strive.exe location, then hop in and activate the mod in the install. I’d bet that’ll fix it up for you

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So, I literally just took a fresh from zip Strive and copied it to where I want. I put your mod in "\AppData\Roaming\Strive\mods". I then copied the folders of "files" and "import" from "\AricsExpansion\IMPORTANT - READ THIS BEFORE INSTALLING\Put in Strive Game Files" to where the Strive.exe is located, replacing the 60 files it wanted replaced. Note that at this time, there is no backup folder since I've never even started the .exe from that folder. So I start up the game, apply the mod, and only this mod, and exit. Restarting gives me the exact same errors as before.

I would then recommend double checking that the size of the mod downloaded to your PC is exactly the same as the one in the main link. The issue may be that the mod was interrupted while downloading? This issue seems to be unique to your situation so possibly that could be part of the issue?

Does the game give any errors if loaded without mods?

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No, no errors when the game loads on it's own, nor with "Constants" loaded. I'm at a complete loss for whats causing this. I've redownloaded both strive and your mod, and tried setting it up and its still happening. Also, if I take the vanilla '' and replace the one from your mod, I can load a save or start a new one,  but then I get more errors once loaded. Never had this sort of problem with either 6.3.7 or 8.1 of your mod, so no idea why its acting like this now.

So uh... Found out how to make the game work. I had to go into "AppData\Roaming\Strive\mods\AricsExpansion\scripts" and REMOVE from there. Keep in mind that I have NEVER copied either the folder of 'scripts' or copying the file '' from that exact area, only copying and pasting anything from "IMPORTANT - READ THIS BEFORE INSTALLING". Any idea why this was causing an issue?

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Edit: That is peculiar. The game is unlikely to work successfully without the file in the mods/aricsexpansion/scripts as that has a lot of the main functions and there isn't one in the "Important" folder (besides the mainmenu.scn which is different). When you load up the game with the mod, are you no longer getting any errors? And do you see the new player specialties (Breeder) or starting slave hobbies (Waifu, perfect specimen, etc) or vagina/ass sizes?

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No Errors on loading the game with mod installed and that specific file removed, but I cannot see the new player specialties or slave specialty classes, but I can see the traits like 'stutter, lisp, lactating' and I can see the sizes of vagina/ass/balls etc. only once I'm actually in-game, not in the new game menu.

Edit: So somehow, upon doing the exact same thing I've been doing (with the only difference this time being keeping EVERY window open so I can watch all files get replaced and when) the game is working perfectly? I'll update if anything is broken upon further play.

Edit 2: Trying to use an old save that had partially upgraded the farm, the farm store, snails, and vats are inaccessible. Attempting to rush through a new game and unlock them to see if that is the case there.