Better luck next time, I guess
Looks really nice, but that's about it so far. The complete lack of options, except for mouse sensitivity is unacceptable for any kind of release. The game is extremely loud. has an oppressively low FOV, and awful Mouse Acceleration. Escape does not pause the game. Bullet Time is useless since it seems that every weapon's recoil or cycling takes longer than it lasts. I'm on hard, and it takes 5-7 pistol shots or 3 shotgun shots to kill on headshots, but I've also never gone below 70 health. Movement is very clunky, and the levels so far a amateurish hallways and boxes. There's no "previous weapon" button, because Q is bound to a single weapon's alternate fire mode that also sucks. It's a throw spear, with a long windup, travel time and regeneration; inherently useless in a game that's trying to be fast paced. Barred doors with large gaps are actually solid walls. Jumping is sluggish and unnatural feeling. Most combat is either walking backwards or peeping around corners. Enemy models are both boring and ugly. The basic melee weapon's basic attack is 4 slashes that lasts several seconds. There's no indication of what in the world is interactive and which isn't, let alone what will be after an arbitrary flag. Some parts of the maps are completely black, and obscuring essential paths.
I stopped trying to play this while writing it because I was getting an actual headache from it. Hopefully these issues can be stamped out, because we could always use more boomer shooters.
Skeleton model's pretty good, though.