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(1 edit)

No other errors. Here's a full console - started up the game, loaded the save, added a slave to the (previously empty) farm, then tried clicking the panel buttons (the workers button, oddly, worked fine this time. Maybe because I had no farmhands assigned)

Was this a new or existing save? And any other mods installed? Finally, have you reinstalled the mod and/or double checked the install steps or video? That includes deleting the backups folder, as it looks like your is acting like the farm’s variables aren’t a thing (ie: vanilla code) in your globals & farm file.


Existing save - which turns out to have been the problem, as revelealed by fsadfasdfasdfasfdaaa's excellent sleuthing :P

Excellent! Unfortunately it looks like a few of the backwards compatibility aspects may not be able to apply automatically on existing saves (or at least how I have been doing it, hopefully there's another way to).


Might have the solution for you in my recent comments. Fixed it for myself and one other person. On old saves you don't have all of the code you need so you need it added. Follow the post where I said "Okay well this was miserable" first and then after that do what is in the "Buckle up buttercups" post.