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Charming pixel-art graphic and animations. I like that the levels has a balanced progression of difficulty and introduction of new enemies. The shortcuts were a nice way to get past, but sometimes it felt like too much of a shortcut, and that you could force the player to actually make it through. The hiding in barrel got a while to get for me, but was a nice mehcanic when learning it. Overall a charming pixel-art game that delivers. Good job! 

Thanks Pontus!
The levels were designed without the "hiding in a barel" mechanic in mind, but I feature creeped our game on the last day and implemented the mechanic as well as possible so all our art assets are in our game one way or another.
With that said, I had to blance the barrel mechanic somehow to not break the levels, so I simply gave it a long enter animation, which requires accurate timing rather than a reaction-based skill.
If the player learns the barrel mechanic, it can add a lot. 

Anyway! Thanks a lot for playing our game and leaving such nice feedback! :)