Some of my code seems to go a bit screwy in 8-bit export. For example, this little time-handling routine works fine in Adventuron, but goes wrong in DAAD (starts off at 12.00 rather than 11.45 and the minutes run over 59 in the 8-bit version). Which is a shame, as there a some timed events in my game.
start_at = my_location
locations {
my_location : location "You are in a room." ;
on_tick {
: increment "minutes" ;
: if (minutes>59) {
: set_integer var = "minutes" value = "0" ;
: increment "hours" ;
: if (hours==13) {
: set_integer var = "hours" value = "1" ;
: print {(hours+" "+minutes)};
integers {
hours : integer "11" ;
minutes : integer "45" ;
Another thing to note is that local event handlers don't appear to translate into DAAD (so on_ticks or on_describes per room don't work, but they do work globally).
But never mind - I'll make it work in Adventuron and then go back and do what I can to make the 8-bit version as functional as it can be (there will be a few rough edges...)