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I loved everything about this game. I exidentedly closed the game in the middle of my run and was kind of angry as i thought i had to start all over again but than i discovered that your game even saved my data and i could start in the level i was bevor i closed the game. I don´t know how you did this game but you deserve a lot of attention and hopefully a spot on the top of the rankings for it.

Please make a full game out of it. I´m allready a fan and i love the charakter design.

What a wonderful message ! Thanks a lot for your return and I am very happy that you enjoy your run of our game.

Yes, we really want to continue the game after the jam. To fix some bug and actual functionality (like tutorial :)) in first time but we are thinking about a lot of new mechanics for a full game.

Hope to see you in futurs versions of Don’t trust the devs ;).