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A member registered Apr 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Wow Thank you very much it is nice to hear that you liked it and that you think it should get more attention 😊

Awesome comment. This has so much i can work with for future Updates. Thank you for taking the time to create such an detailed review of the game.

I sure will look at your thoughts again when i go back into the game in a few days and try to solve most of the issues that are holding it back right now. 

Thb i also hate the animatons of Caroline too it was on my list for the whole time to change this but then i ran out of time and had to use this creepy animations 😅

I did the scrooling because i added the health bar and the other things that are displayed on top very late  in developmemt and I didnt really found out how to let these bars following the camera in time so i decided to just move the whole level around it 😂

Im not the best developer to be honest but i  hope i can fix it in the next version. 

Thank you for all of your nice words und for the critics aswell

Thank you cool that you like the artstyle of this game i put most of the time into the graphics and it makes me happy that People think that the game looks good.

Yes you are absolutely right to get hurt when enemies touch the gun is very stupid but i sadly didnt had enough time left to change the hitboxes. 

Yes ammo is very limited i wanted to create a feeling of fear by not having enough ammo to kill every enemie and so you need to try to shoot only when it is really necessary but i guess i really should have put more ammo on the level.

Thank you so much for playing it 😊

Thank you so much for your Comment. I'm very Happy to hear that you like it 😊😊

cool Thank you so much i already played and rated yours. Here is the link to my game. 😊

This Engine seems to be great when i look at the results from your Screenshots. :) 

It sure is Computer related i also think so.

My computer  isn't the newest so i think thats the reason  that it doesnt work for me right now. 

I really look foward for the next version of your game and hope that i can run it then. Super cool that you plan to update it so that i might have a chance to play it soon. 

I cant wait playing it one day 🤩👍

Wow Thank you for your Post. Im so happy that you got these 80's Horror film vibes because that was absolutely my attention with this game. so glad that you have so many positive things to say about it. 

I agree that some enemies are a bit tricky to hit and maybe some others should be placed differently on the stage i will diffenetly keep this in mind when i keep on working on this game.

Thank you so much.😊😊😊

Thank you so much for your Comment and for playing and rating the game.  I will keep working on this game after the jam ended so it is good to know that i have to work on the hitboxes 😊 Im very glad that you like it and found so many kind words. To be honest my panic Level got more and more towards 100 percent that i didn't make it in time with any minute that went by without having the Submission ready. 😂

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Sadly i had the same problem :( Your game looks so amazing i am so sorry that i cant run and rate it. I´m sure i would have loved it the art is some of the best i saw in this jam. I added it to my collection so that when a new version arrives i can try to run it again. or if i have the chance to try it on another computer. 

Rated you game. :) The idea of different waves of enemies is very cool i really like games that use this mechanics The music is cool and the map looks great. Maybe for the future you can do some sound effects when you atack or beeing atacked that would be awesome. it would be super nice if you would play and rate my game i will do the same with yours now :)

Its an cool idea. Sacrifice not always has to mean someone has to die you really put the theme and make something very unique out of it. :) Just add some music in a later version that would be very nice

I will play and rate your game now. It would be very nice if you could do the same with mine.

Your game is so cool. It has so much that makes it stand out from other submissions. And i love that it it so long i had a lot of fun. The athmosphere is great and i love the graphics especially in the dreamworld. At the trainstation i love the sound "Bitte lassen sie ihr Gepäck nicht unbeaufsichtigt" I hear this ever day at the trainstop in Germany where i am from very nice touch.

I will play and rate your game now  it would be really nice if you can do the same with my game. It has very few ratings itself :(

This game is super funny. The music fitts so well and i´m amazed by the car controlls i would never be able to program them so smooth. As some others in the comments before me said it would be nice if you get a hint where you have to go when you picked up an passenger but when i look at the amazing art and the stunning music i can totaly understand that there was no more time left to programm something like that. Amazing job you really made the most out of the given time that was possible.

Hey i will now play and rate your game :) Maye you still have some time left to do the same with mine would be super nice :)

Thank you so much :)

The ending was great and the voice acting is very well done aswell as the soundeffects all of this combined realy creates the atmosphere of beeing in space. The cutscenes are extremly well  drawn. At first i was a bit confused how the gameplay works but i got it very quick and it is a very unique concept i  hope you will work on this game later on it really has potential to create a big universe around it.

I´m very latebut maybe you still have time to play and rate my game. I will play and rate yours now. :)

I had so much fun. It´s the perfect entry for this contest. You created a masterpiece here. 

The artstyle and the music combined with the very creative use of the theme really makes this game an outstanding experience. You are very talented this game has so much atmosphere.

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Thank you for playing it 😊 And thanks for your review this helps a lot. Ammo is a bit rare thats right i wanted to give it some kind of Resident Evil feeling. You can find some additional Ammo in the first room in the upper left side next to the bed.

I will Check out your game too later this week 😊

Thank you so much for playing it.

Thank you very much I used some of them in my recent game "There is no Tomorrow" they fit so well. I love every single  effect in your collection. You  helped me so much.

I tried  more then hundret times to get through the three falling boxes part but i couldt make it this game is so difficult at the end but i couldnt stop beacause it was so much fun and well made at the same time. I Just gave up beacause my fingers hurt after a while . Very well made game i love it so much.

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Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! That is the only word that can describe this game. The art is so cute and the animations are super nice. I couldd have played this for hours i will keep this in my collection and play this every now and then. Best of luck for the results i think your game has high chances getting a very good placement. In my opinion it deserves 20/20 it is perfect for a game that was created in such a limited time.

interesting concept the web version doesent work very well i think you should have gone with the downloadable version only because in the webbrowser the ball just disapears from the screen in the second level and i think there might be some people that only played that version and rate the game after playing this without trying the much better working downloadable version. In the downloaded version everything works well apart from the colliders.

The graphics are clean and simple what i like and the rotation effect is nicely done, good job on that. Just try to fix the collision problems in a future update, i think if you can fix them and add some more levels this would be a lot of fun to play. 

The soundeffects are ok but the main music hurts my ears to be honest hope you dont take that personal if you made the music by yourself. 🤣

popping ballons or bubbles was allways working great  in games and this game is no exception. I like it that you can use different tactics like just jumping from bubble to bubble or bouncing into them. 

This game was pretty origial. I wasnt expecting something like this at the begining. Nice job

Such a great atmosphere i wasnt sure if the creature could atack me or not untill the end so the feeling of something bad could happen every second was there until the end. I love horrorgames and this entry for te jam is easily one of the games that i am the most amazed of what is possible creating during so  limited time.

Very good graphics. The ending was very unexpected and somehow funny for me. The theme is used well on this enry.

I love your game. I wanted to play this for a while now and finally had the time to. 

To be honest i think that i wouldnt be able to even programm something like this. The graphics and sounds are perfect for this kind of game and i love the small details for exmple the sounds of the water, the waving grass or the effects when you destroy a box. I will keep the downloaded game and play it again sometime in the future because it was that good. The only thing i found a bit confusing is the tnt-box i think it would be cool if the timer goes to plus 10 seconds or somehing like this when you hit one.

This game is great. The mechanics are unique and i havent encountered a single bug. I had a lot of fun it feels like a gameboy or NES Game. Great work  just add some music and the game is perfect.

Wow a huge compliment that you made a 3D Game in only 3 days that is something you can be proud of. The music is awesome I love that the music fitts so well with the form of the character that you are currently playing. Your idea reminds me of Doshin the Giant for the Nintendo Gamecube.

As you mentioned yourself in the comments there are a few bugs and the character is hard to control but im glad that you could allready fix some of these issues for a later Version of the game affter the jam ends.

The animations for the three different atacks look pretty good for only three days of work and i like that you added some light effects.

I keeped playing it and got pretty good i think :)