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Best game I've played so far. I took my mind some time to remember what kills what .But once that was done it was about how fast I can press that space bar 😁

Art work and sound was perfectly fitting too. I use Godot too .Can you share how to got those character to move so smoothly. I loved the grid based movement and the ease-in effect.


Thank you for the feedbacks! Very appreciated indeed!

This is my first attempt at using Godot (or any other game engine anyway). From my previous experiments, I was used to a full-coding approach with MonoGame. So, most probably I didn't leverage all the functionalities coming from the engine.

As to the sprite movements: behind the scenes, the x coordinate is moved from a cell to another with a time based increment. On that coordinate, I've applied an "ease out back" function by using this Easing Functions Cheat Sheet. Hope this helps :)

Thanks for sharing this. Your technique makes sense and that site seems promising too. I'll definitely use it in my future projects. 🤘🏻