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I know choose/add_choice and ask_int aren't compatible with 8-bit mode, but is there any possible workaround for getting the player to select an option?

Can't you get around it with text input? For example, if presented with three different buttons, you just say PRESS RED, YELLOW or GREEN BUTTON (or PRESS RED, YELLOW or GREEN). Or a game show host asks you which door you want to select and you say SELECT 1, 2 or 3 (perhaps with synonyms for ONE, TWO, THREE and FIRST, SECOND, THIRD).

Garry's suggestion is good.

I documented a different workaround here, which will let you dynamically include (or exclude) choices based on the state of the game. It's a bit wordy, but it should work fine in 8-bit compatibility mode.

start_at = hut
locations {
   hut : location "You are in a hut.";
   // The location is just for displaying choices.
   // As these are all dynamic, there is no location text.
   choice_dialog_1 : location "";
objects {
   // The breadcrumb is used as a marker for the location to return to (at the end of choices)
   breadcrumb : object "a breadcrumb" ;
   man        : scenery "a man" start_at = "hut" ;
integers {
   // Used to track how many choices are available.
   // Always add a failsafe choice to return to the breadcrumb
   num_choices_displayed : integer "0" ;
booleans {
   display_choice_rhino : boolean "true" ;
   display_choice_aardvark : boolean "true" ;
   display_choice_sorcerer : boolean "true" ;
on_describe {
   // To let the 'player' how to select choices.
   // You can trigger choices however you like in your
   // own game.
   : if (is_present "man") {
      : print "Type CHOICES says the man." ;
   // If at the choice dummy location 'choice_dialog_1'
   // Then show the context of the question, and the choices
   // available.
   : if (is_at "choice_dialog_1") {
      : set_integer var = "num_choices_displayed" value = "0" ;
      : print "The man says ... make your choices ...";
      : if (display_choice_rhino) {
          : increment "num_choices_displayed";
          : print "Type 'rhino' to do something.";
      : if (display_choice_aardvark) {
         : increment "num_choices_displayed";
         : print "Type 'aardvark' to do something.";
      : if (display_choice_sorcerer) {
          : increment "num_choices_displayed";
          : print "Type 'sorcerer' to do something.";
      // Always add a failsafe choice to return to the breadcrumb
      : if (num_choices_displayed == 0) {
         : print "No more choices remain. Type 'return' to leave the choice selection dialog.";
on_command {
   : match "choices _"  {
      // Creates the breadcrumb object in the current location.
      : create "breadcrumb" ;
      : goto "choice_dialog_1" ;
      : redescribe;
   // NOTE: You can't put an 'if' directly underneath 'on_command'
   //       in 8-bit compatibility mode.
   // All choices need to be placed at top level of the on_command block
   // This isn't perfect, but it is all that is available for now.
   // I'll work on local on_command handlers at location level which should tidy this up a bit.
   : match "rhino _"  {
      // Always have to duplicate the logic
      // from the choice display section (on_describe)
      : if (is_at "choice_dialog_1" && display_choice_rhino) {
         : set_false "display_choice_rhino" ; // Removes the choice dynamically
         : print "You chose rhino (rhino will no longer be a choice)." ;
         : press_any_key ;
         : gosub "return_to_breadcrumb" ;
   : match "aardvark _"  {
      : if (is_at "choice_dialog_1" && display_choice_aardvark) {
         : set_false "display_choice_aardvark" ; // Removes the choice dynamically
         : print "You chose aardvark (aardvark will no longer be a choice).";
         : press_any_key ;
         : gosub "return_to_breadcrumb" ;
   : match "sorcerer _"  {
      : if (is_at "choice_dialog_1" && display_choice_sorcerer) {
         : set_false "display_choice_sorcerer" ; // Removes the choice dynamically
         : print "You chose sorcerer (sorcerer will no longer be a choice)." ;
         : press_any_key ;
         : gosub "return_to_breadcrumb" ;
   : match "return _"  {
      // Always add a failsafe choice to return to the breadcrumb
      : if (is_at "choice_dialog_1" && num_choices_displayed == 0) {
         : gosub "return_to_breadcrumb";
subroutines {
   return_to_breadcrumb : subroutine {
      : goto "breadcrumb" ;
      : destroy "breadcrumb" ;
      : redescribe;

Thanks guys - I'll try those suggestions out.