Hey Daza - in order to have a script activate when stepping onto the tile, you can double click the tile in the Map Editor while in Edit Mode (or right-click and go to Properties), and set a script for the tile. The script will then be automatically activated when the player steps onto the tile. This is the same idea used when linking maps together, for example when the player walks onto a dungeon entrance tile.
There isn't any scripting yet relating to damaging the player, but there are some other things you could play around with for now. For example, you could make a tile script that plays a "close" animation on a gate or door and then removes the navigation path through it so the player is stuck inside the room until they figure out how to open the gate again.
I agree that having some basic examples would be very beneficial. I plan to have some tutorials and other things like this on my wiki once I get some of the other pages created.