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Game Design

I was confues ad first with the upwards arrows as most of the time in games like this you progress by going to the right, and i throw me of the first time i could not do that.

The boss fight seems really hard, i don’t know if there are more levels/bosses after the first but i could not get past it.

The hard snapping of the camera was a bit offsetting for me when you changed direction.

Level Design

There are some variatons in the levels but some more props would help it to pop with a bit more life.


Really nicely done art both on the sprites and the tiles for the map!


I did not notice any sound effects, and the background music was too loud for me, but the music was catchy and not to monotone.

Adherence to the theme(s):

The 3 “themes” was clock, orange, school. The choosen theme was school which was mostly executed as us wanting to go the te school.


Pretty original idea, i still wonder why the old woman and all those office man want to stop me from going to school, but okay.


I did not get through the first boss, so i don’t know if there is any more to this game. I’m gonna rate for the middle for this reason.

Is this a roguelike ?

Randomly generated rooms, and enemies, but no real progression in skills/pickups or persistent upgrades, which is lead to me vote a bit low on this.