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A member registered Jan 18, 2020

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well i am frustrated, so far you've mischaracterized what i've said countless times, tried to belittle my struggling with the game as just "you don't understand the mechanics" or "i don't like it, change it", i would have left it at one post here as i understand why you aren't going to be changing anything in GT but then you so rudely mischaracterized it as me going "but it's unfair" like i was someone having a tantrum even though this community thread is quite literally for people to discuss what they do and don't like about the game. so yeah i've been greatly frustrated in this thread because you came of very (and unnecessarily) rude in your initial reply to my daze post and then you got even ruder as you kept replying. there has only been 1 reply from you in this thread that i hadn't downvoted which is so far the only reply where i didn't see you being rude. and i can see how i may be coming off a bit angry or abrasive due to my frustrations with some of your rude comments but i have absolutely not been hostile in my replies. most of my replies here has been me defending myself and my posts from your mischaracterizations. i would have loved to have kept this thread short and without anger but that's kinda hard when you've been frankly quite rude. and yes some of your advise outside of this thread was helpful but unfortunately has been overshadowed by this thread.

yeah so you lack major context, and even the posts you did see you hadn't read carefully enough. i had already admitted that i was asking/suggesting change for daze. the point of me asking for help was Bit lumping in other posts i had made, where i was asking for help, with my asking for change with daze and making it seem like i was demanding change with those posts too.

once again you have massively misrepresented what i've said, the only thing i have actually suggested needs changing is daze. that is the only thing i've even mentioned possibly needing change. the most i have asked for with the ambush and mahir was tips to making those fights easier, that's not asking for change at all, in fact i don't even know how you are even able to misconstrue that as me saying "this sucks, change it" that's me literally saying "i'm fucking sucking right now, can i get some help?". me saying "i need help" is nowhere near similar to saying that "something needs to be changed".

well the first time you heavily misconstrued my criticism of daze as whining about it being "unfair" and then you tried saying that  a different struggle i had was directly tied to why i didn't like daze while also implying that i just wasn't good enough at the game to even understand the basics of the turn based combat which is rather quite insulting. so i feel as though they are justified, the second one more so than the first.

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my struggling with that ambush has nothing to do with my issues with daze, the reason it took luck was because i was trying to save resources for that stupid hyena with the pup clicker. if i had known he could kill you in two turns i wouldn't have.  

honestly the move is less "unfair and unpredictable" and more of an "i'm going to annoyingly and forcibly handicap you to briefly delay you from winning a fight you were going to win anyway". the move isn't even really unpredictable as from what i've experienced it'll always happen on round two if it is going to trigger at all. i say it should be nerfed because (from what i've seen so far) it's the only enemy attack that can just straight up ignore your turn of the combat which is just all around annoying. and winning the ambush isn't really congratulatory when i had to restart the game a full 5 times before i got the win so from my pov it was sheer luck.

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daze needs to be nerfed, whenever I'm hit with it it always interrupts my attack and then i have to sit through 3 turns of having my health halved without being able to do anything about it.  it honestly should not be able to just out right stop your attack from even happening just to allow the enemies to beat you senseless for a full three turns. and yes it is unfortunately 3 turns, the turn where it interrupts your attack, the turn where you are dazed, and the turn where it wears off.

how are you supposed to beat mahir????  that fight seems damn near impossible with his hypno move

i HAVE played through the first game and the last ending i got was losing to the final boss and i don't know what you mean by "open the file" because i've already tried to and it wouldn't let me.

didn't get the boar scene after data crystal transfer, i followed all the steps of putting it in to to the plugins and accepting the override but when i go through the second walk through the town the scene doesn't trigger.

no matter what i do i can only bring them down to two guys before i die and it's completely brought the progression down to a halt is there a way to make the fight easier?

i know that's a thing with some creatures, like with the nymphs if you "play" with them they will give you some of their hair as a gift and you can get beast essence (and i think maybe fur too but i may be wrong) from the wolfs if you submit turn one when you have a high enough relation with them. i think it would be cool to add a feature that allows you to lock the status of relations once they get to a high enough point so that way you can still collect the other loot items without having to worry about getting attacked in your own home or chased out of the woods lol.

wait what controversy? sorry i'm super out of the loop when it comes to this type of stuff.

how long does it take for the renovations on the milk farm to finish? been trying to speed it up by sleeping a lot but every time i check it always says that they aren't done. is it supposed to take super long or did i lock myself out of getting the safe house basement renovation?

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so i think the game can be enjoyable, but starting out fresh again with the new update i definitely think the beginning area has been made worse.

for one that double bandit encounter is pretty much a game over encounter if your libido bar is even slightly filled. second it feels like the bats have been given a higher evasion chance turning an already annoying enemy into an unbearable enemy, i actually had to save scum during 4 separate bat encounters because despite having 12 agility i was somehow missing EVERY attack but getting hit by every attack from the bat. it took almost a full half hour to clear out those bats.

it also feels like your libido bar fills up much much faster than it used to causing you to lose fights much easier than before. speaking of, another thing that bugs me is the female bandit being able to raise your libido if your character is gay because that massively breaks immersion just having a gay character getting turned on by something that shouldn't turn them on what-so-ever.

what does the medical play entail? because you may have lost me there 😅

does anyone know where this code is?

honestly this guide didn't really do anything to help me, are there any other guides that you know of?

please, please, please add a jump button. i am seriously struggling with the platforming and i can't for the life of me get passed the second platforming section.

damn that's super far away

so quick question, when should we expect the next public build?

that's understandable, however, it's far more than simply just "annoying" it's completely unfair. Also your point of constantly reloading the game to get good rng implies that yes beating them is 110% purely luck based 

honestly why is the first quest you're given so difficult? literally got stun locked until i died

it was that devil bread thing, it was in the room at the top of the stares past were you encounter that cake guardian golem thing, it was paired up with two cake kobolds and no thankfully it didn't stay alive indefinitely.

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it's exactly as it sounds, i've brought an enemy's health down to zero one time and it didn't die. it just stayed on the battle field and continued to fight

small bug, some times when an enemies health drops to zero they some how stay live and continue to attack

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okay  i'm a little confused, how do you remove the stuff on the exit door? edit: nvm i figured it out

i like what i've seen so far, yeah it's a little bit of a generic isekai in the sense of them getting transported to a mysterious new world and magically being able to speak the native language, but i like that you get to choose which side of the worlds political/moral battle you want to take. at the same time i also feel as though the "voice" was a super generic addition and so far it hasn't added much to the game. you could take the voice out and everything would flow just fine it honestly breaks the immersion for me with how seemingly random the voices interruptions are. but the characters are really good, frasier is super hot but kinda full of himself and skjold is super adorable, i just want to squish his chubby cheeks, he would make the perfect cuddle buddy.

Honestly unsure if all the ghost drop them or if they are dropped by specific ghosts in certain areas. I f someone can tell me it would be much appreciated 

i get that it's been on hiatus but it's been two years since the last update the least you could do is give us some type of developers log letting us know what's going on

honestly those enemies ruined my interest for this game because it's a massively unfair difficulty spike in gameplay. i might come back if those enemies get nerfed or if an easier way of beating them is put into the game

there is one part where after you get passed the propped open security door and then climb up unto a ledge to go over a pile of rubble but there is a knocked over vending machine on that ledge that that the game won't let me jump over even if i double jump it just completely blocks me from moving forward

so it's essentially just get lucky or lose when fighting them

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so is there a way to make the masher boars easier to deal with? because i'm tired of them just obliterating my health bar with attacks doing over 100 points of damage

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it's not just the flesh zone, its all enemies, every enemy has way too much health and strength, the current gear does nothing to actually help the player, and you're basically forced to play with constant debuffs that severely cripple the player making some attacks basically useless, which makes the player basically useless. and yes the whole point of leveling up is to help even the odds whether that's in the form of a new ability ( like devil may cry ) or just making the player generally stronger. it also doesn't matter if the game is a first hobby project all i did was give constructive criticism about a game mechanic that implemented poorly and how the enemies are far too powerful for their own good. if you don't want the player actually trying to get strong enough to get through the game then give the monsters the same base stats as the player because in the games current state it is far from fun.

constantly getting game overs because the monsters are far too op compared to you is not at all fun, the whole point of leveling up is to get on par or a little bit stronger then the enemies of the areas your trying to get past. why would you include a leveling up mechanic if its basically pointless and does nothing in the way of actually assisting the player like it should? honestly sounds like horrible game design all around.

honestly there needs to be a lot more work done on the leveling system enemies give far too little exp and the payoff for actually leveling up is abysmal plus enemies either do far to much damage or are far too fast and over whelm you with debuffs before you can get a single hit in greatly reducing your already incredibly small damage output. not to mention the fact that the the amount of exp needed to level up goes up way to much between levels going from needing 6exp to get to level 2 perfectly fine, needing 16exp to get to level 3 is not great but somewhat manageable, needing 50 exp to get to level 4 is not okay especially when you take into account what has already bean mentioned above. also there is a glitch where slime coating will miss but you still get another level of slime anyhow. but it is an interesting game and would love to come back to it when these issues have been fixed

yeah i finally got passed it after another ten tries using the clicking controls and with always sprinting turned on being sure to save after reaching each safe platform because managing to get the timing right was a real pain. so thanks, i'd kinda forgotten about the mouse-clicking controls until you brought them up lol.

how do you get passed the second computer section? im really stuck because one set of the hollographic floor panels changes way too fast for me to move past them even when sprinting. is that supposed to be happening and am i able to change the speed at which the tiles change color or am i just hard locked out of the rest of the game?

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i'm experiencing a really weird and game breaking glitch where every thing is just stuck moving upwards without me even touching the up arrow making it actually impossible to play the game (and no my up arrow isn't broken because it works perfectly fine with other rpg's and no i don't have any controller softwere running) has anyone else experienced this or now how to fix it? Edit: managed to fix it by soft resetting my laptop still have no idea what was causing it though but i'm glad it worked