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Corpses piling up was totally intended! I'm kidding, but I made a temp solution and decided I liked it a little more than just removing those bodies from existence - made for some fun bugs. And I'm sorry about the credits - that was added last second, but no big deal.

Thank you for playing! I hope you enjoyed that dragon boss fight, it was fun testing out, and very simple to make - if only the Leviathan Lord had gotten that love...


There is something very charming about walking all over your past lives, forcing them to become more than merely the stagnant reminders of every failure. In the context of Walk the Horizon, anyway. I half-expected part of the point to be building a bridge of corpses to the end of the world.

I did enjoy taking on the dragon, though figuring out how to win was a little rough at first. Definitely let me know if there is ever love to spare and more content, especially Leviathan Lord content, gets added and polished. I will happily replay it!


Oh I have ideas, I just hope some of the team wants to keep tinkering away at this project with me. My first jam with a team - there are so many other assets we never used. No promises however...