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A member registered Nov 12, 2016 · View creator page →

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I'm mostly an artist and writer, but gdscript is pretty intuitive for me so I can do a bit of programming as well. My computer runs OSX so I can also test compatibility on that system. 

Here's a little sample of some of my art; you can see a little of how I do pixel animations in the game on my page, too. (Yes, I know the game itself is bad; yes I will eventually settle down and fix it once I unearth the original files for it.)  

If you're interested in working together, feel free to either comment here or PM. :)

A runner about being the biggest scariest predator around wouldn't benefit from bossfights, but I do have plans to introduce variety and win conditions. 


You're right; I do need to watch my overall clarity. Think my brain was a little fried, lmao.

Sorry for the initial confusion. :>

Absolutely one of the most visually stunning entries; simple but neat mechanics, unique concept.

Love it!

Can't get it to run, unfortunately. 

Can't get it to run, unfortunately, on either Brave or Safari (the only browsers my computer doesn't freeze while using); the concept seems really cool, so I hope to play it at some point. 

Just had a friend send me video of their playthrough; the music and sound effects are charming, perfectly balanced volume-wise, and it really just adds the feeling that this is a true retro game. Very 90's track, props to the artist.

I said I don't know what I expected, but [what I expected] wasn't [this, especially not in such a short time frame]. So no, I shan't edit a thing. :3

(1 edit)

Good sound, good music, good art; it's good. 

The only real mechanical issue I noticed is that the horizontal platform moves faster than Tim for some reason, so when he's being carried along he can sometimes just fall off.

Edit: forgot to mention the EXCELLENT level design, best part for me personally.

Nah, the music is probably browser compatibility; this is a known issue with Safari and Unity. Just mind the flashing in the future I guess. :>

I tried enabling that feature and got the same error:

call_indirect to a null table entry (evaluating 'Module["asm"]["Hi"].apply(null,arguments)')

And enabling WebGL 2 broke every game that I'd already successfully played lmao. Dang. 

Simple, fun, good times; tone down the flashing at the end maybe, since it gave me a headache and I'm not even photosensitive so I worry about epileptics.

Music didn't load for me, which is a shame, but the graphics are solid. The Geiger Counter mechanic in lieu of a health bar is, as others have said, very clever.

Excellent speedrun potential. Good job!

Neat little game, good graphics; glad I read the comments first about shooting upwards or I would have been a lot more frustrated. 

It's short enough that I wasn't bothered by restarting when I died the first time through, and the second time I got hit all of once. :>

Wish there was music, but the sound effects were excellent. Good stuff.

The music is great; wish it didn't restart every shift so I could listen longer. All the visuals are great, and I reset a few times just to try the different palettes.

Some of the swap and platform segments are a little too difficult for my preference; no longer am I the spry and willing youth I once was, ready to struggle for pixel-perfect landings. That said, they're well-executed and good-looking.

Excellent quality game here, I'm very impressed.

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Couldn't get music to play, but this appears to be a browser compatibility issue with Safari...**Edit: Had a friend test and send me video; the sound effects are really loud compared to the music. Keep that in mind for next time.

Other than that, there are visible seams around multiple graphics, and some environmental objects are easy to confuse with enemies, but I like the animations quite a bit.

The platforming definitely needs some tinkering and tightening up, mechanically, but it's a solid little game. Good work.

Couldn't get it to load; could be a compatibility issue since I use Safari. Alas.

Very fun, very interesting; I get why you would hate the background music but it wasn't that bad. At least you had background music AND a compelling mechanic.

The one odd thing I noticed is that the speed on skater 2 seems to be out of sync with skater 1, but that's fine considering the physics, and actually makes it seem like a different person, which may or may not have been intentional but certainly could be a selling point.

The challenge is perfect and the visuals are clean and sharp.

Really nice work on this one.

I laughed the entire time, this is absolute genius.

Just wish I could resize to fit on my 13" macbook ran perfectly, and the scream variety makes for some great replayability value.

The blurriness on the turn animation introduces shades between black and red; not a true 1-bit. Level design and art was competent otherwise.

The music was fine; could have used some sound effects but hey, it got done! Let me know if you tinker with it. I love these kinds of games.

Nope, no sound at all; this has happened with a couple of games now.

Probably a compatibility issue with Safari, if I had to guess.

Very nice presentation, not so nice controls. The reload speed could stand to be faster as well. 

Sound didn't play for me, alas, but that could be because I used the Safari browser (Chrome crashes my computer for some reason).

The visuals are what's truly standout here; very very solid art and an excellent variety of it, especially the expressions. The writing was also very good and fun. Calling out unusual nuclear waste facility procedures made me laugh. Just tinker with the mechanics a bit and you'll have something really special here. Good work!

The music and art are delightful; I cannot emphasize enough how impressed I was when the game started up.

And then this abyss swallowed my soul.

I can't get it to do anything past this point orz. Shame, it's gorgeous....I'm still listening to the BGM as I type this.

There's an animation glitch where the mouth opens if you hit space too quickly after eating a cow, but it will still read that the button is being held. It was something that came up during testing that I lacked time to fix, yep, but I do intend to add more to this game later and fix that bug.

Not a bad idea under normal circumstances, but I think multipliers would be frustrating for a lot of players, given that the cows are supposed to overlap and that's part of the "challenge", such that it is lol. It would def make combos more a matter of luck than skill. I'm introducing more randomized speeds and spawn times later, and probably multiple tracks for variety.

Thanks for the feedback!

Even pros have to reference tutorials or other assets sometimes; that's a huge accomplishment!

I definitely get the distraction thing, even as an adult; ADHD is wild, and I have a 4yo kid who demands a lot of attention. Don't be hard on yourself for circumstances, kid, you did great and I do genuinely love this game.

I didn't even get to the dragon, but I'll boot up and try again after I'm done testing and reviewing the other submissions. :>

Oh I don't mind; I'm on a janky macbook and use both Safari and Brave (which runs on chromium and is my Chrome substitute, since the Chrome browser caused several complete system freezes when I still had it).

It's very possible your game is just not compatible with them.

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I love this hungy dragon!! 

The sprite animation is excellent, the mechanics are fun; wish I could judge and possibly enjoy the sound, but alas none played for me.

Some of the platforming elements are finicky, but it works. Feels very authentically retro in that respect. Very charming submission!

Not only can I not run it, I even got errors trying to do so that I have never seen before, lmao.

If you export an executable at some point let me know so I can see if that works.

I wasn't sure what to expect from this game, but it sure wasn't a tight, well-conceived environmental puzzler.

The SFX and BGM balance is a little off and that is the ONLY issue with this game. Fantastic work!

The osx port doesn't seem to work on my macbook so I had to use CrossPlay with the Windows version.

Boy am I glad it ran that way; this is a blast to play. Only critique is the randomization of level up stuff, since luck is such a factor in winning later duels. 

If this ever goes to mobile I will download and play the crap out of it.

For whatever reason, I couldn't damage anything, at all, whatsoever. The screen also seems to slowly rotate for some reason, so it was nearly diagonal on my longest playthrough by the time I died. Could be an issue with the OSX export, since I'm playing on a macbook.

The aesthetics are charming, and the art and music make me feel like I'm playing a game that could have come out when I was very small. It's lovely and I hope you do more with it.

Really just a slow-mo bullet hell with melee attacks only; difficult but enjoyable.

The visuals were kind of muddy at points but stayed true to 1-bit. Solid work, be proud!

I've never seen a game like this before and frankly I love it. The buttons have me calling it Jan Ken Lon, haha.

Would love some kind of sound effects; excited to see what else you do with it.

The sound effects were too loud compared to the music, and I would have loved to see more original art rather than playing as a black mage recolor. That said, the physics were great and the zoom-in on the doors between areas was a very fun effect.

Those dragons are so dang good.

I love this little teleporting square person so much. 

The music getting layered on with each milestone was very cool, but the tune itself was kind of painful after the third key. At least you had music, though, which is an accomplishment in and of itself for the time constraints.

Very fascinating use of hitboxes for the puzzles, and I wish there was more of that. Great stuff, love it!

Guille already gave the most useful feedback, I think.

I will say I'm intrigued by the resource gathering component; there's a really interesting concept that I hope to see you do more with. :>

Alas, it wouldn't even start for me. It looks interesting; I'm excited to play the final game, which hopefully will be in a form my computer allows to run lol

Yeah, you have to click on the text; it's not exactly intuitive but my brain was fried and I was running out of time just trying to get the game over screen to work at all.

I'll be making a lot of changes post-jam, I think; keep an eye out, and thanks for the feedback. :>

Delightfully devilish; even the end credits are super clever!

The hitboxes for the spikes do feel a bit too punishing, but it doesn't make the game unplayable. Great work!

Really neat work, very clean and clever. Not a true 1-bit with the use of transparency, but that's the only thing wrong in a sea of things that are very right.

Excellent use of environments, and honestly the lack of background music fits the mood very well. The level design here is stunning; incredible work especially considering the time constraints.