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Wow. I like it  a lot! At some point I was so confused with coordinating my left and my right arm, it felt like me trying to defend myself against a swarm of bees. As every game in a 48h game it cann - of course - be polished. Maybe have the speed of the swords start at a lower pace and then slowly increase? Can you imagine doing it for mobile with each thumb controlling one arm? Because I can.

If you feel like it, leave me a rating and comment as well :)


Thanks for the compliments! And yes, it could use a lot of polish :P. I hope the confusion was at least as fun for you as it is for me, haha. I've never worked with Unity's mobile development, but I could see it being a fun project.

I try my best to play through anyone's game who rates mine :). Thanks again for checking out my game!