Well, I'm confused.
Using your exact API key, running the exact same command, with a sample '32bit' folder in a very similar path, everything works fine:
PS C:\Users\amwenger\Desktop\Game Dev\__WIPGames\_LOVE 0.10.2 (RECENT)\Collector\Version 1.3.0\exe> C:\Users\amwenger\Ap pData\Roaming\itch\bin\butler push 32bit all0utwar/collector:windows-beta ∙ For channel `windows-beta`: pushing first build ∙ Pushing 5 B (1 files, 0 dirs, 0 symlinks) √ Added 5 B fresh data √ 81 B patch (no savings) ∙ Build is now processing, should be up in a bit (see `butler status`)
Just to confirm a few things:
- You did go through the whole butler login dance in the same shell, right?
- You only have one itch.io account ?
- At no point did you try to run any command in an administrator shell?
- The file in %USERPROFILE%\.config\itch\butler_creds starts with a 9 ? (Don't post it here, or you'll have to revoke the key)
- What's the output of butler -V and butler which ?
"invalid game" is something you would receive if the credentials are wrong, but except if you have several itch.io accounts and are logged into the wrong one