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hi it me

- Control wise I think it's a little weird having so little acceleration in a platformer (more so with the cat, with the fairy she's flying so that makes a little more sense), in mario you almost instantly get to your maximum speed. Likewise it takes a noticeable time to stop. It makes things feel a little sluggish in my opinion.

- The pacing is a bit off having such short levels, the whole demo could be 3-4 levels with checkpoints and it would feel better

- Add a button to skip the current text box to the next one

- I had some odd behaviors with the fluids where the character would sometimes dive into it after a jump

- The boss wasn't particularily interesting as there was no way to tell which movement pattern it would do, having a different frame or move before each individual pattern would help against that

- Levels were simple so I can't quite comment on the platforming itself, but I don't see why it would be bad  when more complex

- 3d doors were hella cute

- I thought the cat was a boy wtf dude

So yeah hard to say much, the presentation is nice, but the game doesn't really go deep enough

Thanks for the feedback, Tomo. To address your points...

- The game is a puzzle platformer, so I felt like there was some leeway on control, and I attempted to make something that felt "cat-like", as cats tend to have two speeds, meandering and "bat out of hell". I would agree with you if it's straight platforming, but the next world and the rest of the game goes into puzzles, so it shouldn't be too bad.

- Interesting take on the pacing.

- I had considered the button for skipping text. I'm not really sure where I'd put that atm, but I thought about it.

- Yeah the metaballs are kinda whack. At some point I'm going to look at vertlets to get the same intended result and without bugs. I hope.

- Hmm, the different frames is probably nice, yeah. I'll look into it.

- I didn't want the platforming to get too ridiculous, especially later on when there's more of a puzzle or combat focus.

- Thanks about the doors, I thought so too. 

- Ao's a girl, yeah. It'll be more apparent when you see her alt forms.

Yeah, world 1 skirts around since the only form you have unlocked is Cat. In World 2, you'll get Girl form and you'll be able to interact with items and do puzzles better. The game is supposed to slowly open up over time, but I do have to wonder if it's going too slow.