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I'd love to fix this, if you have time (only if you have time) can you try to find the url and timestamp of where Adam encountered the issue.

Perhaps remind me after the jam and I'll track it down. I wrote about the confusion in the test comments in one or two games.

I actually remember now, although I don't think it's to do with this.

It was when Adam was trapped in a disambiguation screen, and because he was typing commands assuming he wasn't in the disambiguation screen, it kept returning "?".

I actually implemented a fix for this, so that every two or three times the prompt was displayed, it would re-ask the question. I thought that was good enough to prompt the user they were still being asked the question.

Correct. We were talking about the different prompts. What I noticed tonight was that it ignored my own testing for presence or absence of adjectives and kept re-asking me the disambiguation question without the menu. I couldn't work out what was going on.

(1 edit)

I didn't redisplay the menu just so it didn't spam the screen, going for a lighter touch, but now I think spamming the screen with question re-iteration and choice list every time, is the lesser of evils.

The other change I made was changing the default prompt in TWO theme mode back to ">" so you could see you were in choice mode by the '?' instead.