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Wow, I never thought a games soundtrack could be so beautiful it would make me cry but, here we are. 

Graphics aren't technically stunning but aesthetically pleasing. I think it would be easy for this game to look like something that could give someone a seizure, but it doesn't so good job!

Gameplay is simple but it works well, easy to pick it up but difficult to get really good at.

I loved the intro, funny stuff man, definitely so bad its good.


well, trying to give people seizures would just be extra effort, y'know? and I figured that your ears would be under enough sensory overload from the audio experience alone.

but yeah if this game is making you cry, you might want to see a doctor. chances are you might have a very rare allergic reaction to buttons, and your doctor might be able to prescribe you something to help you to avoid having these allergic reactions. or, at very least, something to make you so high you don't notice the allergic reaction.