Really fun!
succer for a random survival shooter so i liked it. Obviously stuff like hud and onboarding is WIP so not going to mention those. Some thoughts:
- Movement is a bit too slippery for my taste, might be that the user is too fast or has too much inertia but i never felt like i was in control. If this is by choice its fine just wanted to highlight
- Really wish i could switch weapons with wheel scroll, this is my biggest gripe right now
- Most ground based enemies can be kited easily by just going in a circle, could be "fixed" if enemies pathfinding randomly was set to the side of the player or something simlar.
- not enough ammo was a big game breaker for me. It's not that you need to give ammo all the time but it lacked a clear loop of how im supposed to get it. Perhaps killing enough enemies, or getting combos, refill stations or set points that respawn ammo with a cooldown. You could even check if the player is getting low and then make enemies drop ammo at a higher chance tier.
Good job :)