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Cosmic Dawn (in development)View game page

A throwback shooter that's too hard for you.
Submitted by Mat (@swimclubdunk) — 2 days, 22 hours before the deadline
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good fucking shit, very enjoyable thing

- speed is great i like speed

- strafing feels bad, has no speed on its own

- air control also bad, there is barely any

-double jump kinda sucks, i especially hate it whenever i fall from a platform and i cant double jump from the fall, makes me really mad in any game

-slow motion pretty damn useless other than just looking cool

-sometimes a random ass robot just spawns before the game even starts


Thanks for that! The double jump is meant to only serve as a follow up jump. So if you just drop from somewhere you will not be able to hop back up. Although this might change later down the line, not sure. Slow motion will have it's place when combat gets tighter and there's less space to navigate/dodge. Atleast I hope! If it ends up being gameplay-irrelevant I'll probably take it out of the campaign and leave it for the survival/towerclimb maps only. Glad you like it though!


Super strong Q1 vibes, which is great.

  • Some weapons are more fun then others, almost machine rocket launcer is really fun but for example pistols are a bit bland. Is there a point to silencer?
  • You can just outrun all enemies running backwards and those who shoot have very slow bullets. This makes the game a bit too easy. 
  • I grew up with Quake 1 so I really like the graphics.
  • I really like how enemies get blood on them as they get damaged and how the big ones explode with meat chunks.

Overall very fun. I look forward to future of this project :)


Big compliment, thank you! Q1 is pretty much the pinnacle of golden era fps imo. The silencer is really only there to communicate to the player that he's trading firerate for accuracy. The damage output (atleast for now) is the same. Pistol will definitely get a rework at some point. Did you try in nightmare? I did make the projectile speed about 20% faster in the coming (posting now) update.  Thanks for trying it!


Fun,  my feedback is the same as Shotgun Anaconda said basically


Really fun!

succer for a random survival shooter so i liked it. Obviously stuff like hud and onboarding is WIP so not going to mention those. Some thoughts:

  • Movement is a bit too slippery for my taste, might be that the user is too fast or has too much inertia but i never felt like i was in control. If this is by choice its fine just wanted to highlight
  • Really wish i could switch weapons with wheel scroll, this is my biggest gripe right now
  • Most ground based enemies can be kited easily by just going in a circle, could be "fixed" if enemies pathfinding randomly was set to the side of the player or something simlar.
  • not enough ammo was a big game breaker for me. It's not that you need to give ammo all the time but it lacked a clear loop of how im supposed to get it. Perhaps killing enough enemies, or getting combos, refill stations or set points that respawn ammo with a cooldown. You could even check if the player is getting low and then make enemies drop ammo at a higher chance tier. 

Good job :)


Thanks so much! Movement is hard to get right, it's definitely a bit better in the next update. You're definitely right though, there's been something about the friction/slope sliding that was bothering me as well. I do want the player to hold a lot of momentum when goin fast but it shouldn't be at the expense of control. The slasher guys should actually somewhat try to ambush the player and avoid piling together too much. I've reworked their ai a bit now to make that behavior more obvious. Good point about the ammo, I've reworked that a bit to make it less of a problem in the next build.

(3 edits) (+1)

The game is legitimately fun but there's not enough ammo pickups. I also noticed taking a screenshot makes the pause menu appear in it. I wanted to share a bug where the shotgun reload animation got stuck.


Thank you! Yeah finetuning the rate of enemy spawns and random ammo/item spawns is just not something I felt like I could afford to prioritise for now. That's why I added the infinite ammo option to still allow people to explore the weapons and combat without that limitation. Thanks for pointing that out, I thought I had finally fixed that animation issue, guess not :O



This is amazing, thanks again so much for taking the time. Gave me a whole laundry list of things to improve, add and tweak but more importantly a huge burst of motivation. Really, can't thank you enough. Hope you come around to checking out a more advanced version in a couple months or so!


The double jumping is strange
You can use it right at the beginning of a jump, smashing space twice, to get one big jump. You can use it at the top of a jump and it feels like a usual double-jump. You can use it at the end of a jump and the double jump does nothing. I suspect this is because the double jump is something like a velocity.y += constant
If you start a jump with A or D, you can change directions by double jumping while holding W or S, but you cant reverse your direction with D or A. If you start a jump with W or S, you can reverse your jump direction with S or W, but A and D do nothing. You are locked in a straight line.

Going from a flat plane to going down a ramp will always leave you airborne, practically disabling all of your controls, including double jump because it barely does anything when going down. Going from a upwards ramp to a flat plane does not have this issue.

If I do manage to cross a few obstacles quickly, I turn around to find that all the ground enemies walked over them quickly as if it was flat ground. The only way to get distance between you and your enemy is to hold S.

Pickups in general are difficult to see. I'm not sure if the grenade projectile has a model, I never see anything but the particle effect if its rolling around on the floor. I don't know what the purple power-up does, but I'm guessing its quad damage since its the quake quad damage sounds. Picking up a purple power up does display some "rip and tear" tier text on the screen, I don't know why this text couldn't just tell me what the power-up does. (note: i now know its the mask of madness but I still dont get that in-game)

Death screen doesnt have a quit to menu or quit to desktop options

Slow motion is useless. I never feel like the limiting factor in a situation is how fast I can react to things.


Thanks for the feedback! The double jump does indeed work somewhat like you say, it's partly a conscious decision though. I want it to be rewarding to time it right at the peak of the initial jump, it's not meant to be a jetpack-feeling jump that resets gravity momentum before applying the upwards force. I've since reworked the movement though based on your feedback. The ramp/angle detection definitely needs some work and tweaking though, I don't want downward movement to feel so punishing and deny jumping/friction control. 

Adding a movement speed penalty of some sort for enemies traversing slopes or climbing steps is a great idea, I'll definitely add that. Grenade projectile definitely has a model, if you use it's alt fire to charge but release it very early you can fire a grenade with very little force so you can basically step onto it and check out the model. Slow motions purpose will hopefully become more obvious as I add more complex enemies, bosses and start developing the single player campaign levels. Appreciate the input, lots of good stuff here!


Excellent performance, my old laptop can easily reach 120 FPS, about the game:

Is a nice attempt to take the essence of the first quake for my impression it doesn't allow to go faster by bunny hopping so basically you rely on the speed of your character and that's fine, I would consider changing the double jump in a bouncing so you can redirect your position and do cool dodge. Is this game gonna be all about speed? If that so I wonder if you are gonna add the crouching button, maybe it can be used for reaching higher speed with slide and stuff.

I've played at nightmare and I don't mind wave shooters but I notice that the gameplay it tends to be "press S and aim" and I think you should avoid this style cause it tends to limit the level design in long corridors where you must have enough space to dodge all the bullets/enemies.

Enemies should make noise continuously to understand if there are any enemy nearby and be vigilant (also to understand where are they because I got stuck 2 or 3 times finding hidden enemies), I noticed that the shit mosquito slow you down, usually old school FPS doesn't do that but if the player movement is too high that feature will punish people who rush toward levels, it depends on your side what you think feels better.

This game has potential, I hope to see your demo improved over the next DD.


Happy to hear! I'm rather obsessed with optimisation and have tried pretty hard to keep fps as high as possible. Bunnyhopping is meant to be part of the movement system, but I didn't want to include it if I didn't think it was working relatively well. It now is though, the next update will allow the player to build up speed and move much more dynamically (though it's also really hard to jump accurately, maybe still a little room for improvement there). Interesting idea with the crouching, I feel like I might be copying dusk a bit too much if I just do a slide, but maybe I can come up with something cool to use it for. The stun mechanic is actually a bigger part of the gameplay, and goes hand in hand with the slowmo mechanic. How exactly those are related will become obvious later on though. Good point about the enemy sounds, that'll be addressed by the next update. Thanks for the feedback and kind words!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

So here are my thoughts on it :

- Gets more fun the more you understand it, i.e. once you understand how to control the crowd, how to dodge the flying little shits so they kill themselves into walls, getting back ammo between rounds, focusing the big boys, etc.

- Cool enemy aesthetic

- Guns feel ok, at first I thought the silenced pistol was weak (why do I even have a silenced pistol fighting eldritch alien monsters ?), before realising you could take off the silencer for big crowds and it was more precise/powerful with it (which seems counter intuitive to me, the sound also has more OOMPH without the silencer).
The shotgun recoil is weird too, but the rest of them felt good (really love the spread on the rocket/missile launcher).

- Gun key mapping is annoying, I get that there'll probably be other weapons in the yet unassigned bindings but it's confusing.

- Map design is the weakest part here imo, the arena is just a box with a center part you only go when you're out of ammo, so you're just always circle strafing without any objective.
You've got flying enemies, it would be interesting to vary between enclosed areas that can protect you from them but make melee enemies faster due to their layout (flat ground, no obstacles) and ones that are open but with obstacles you can climb around.
In that regards I think it should be much better with actual levels instead of arenas

- Enemies don't distinguish so much between the background, more so for the big tentacle monster once it's bloody. It's fine at the highest display luminosity but I feel like it could be a little better - Second jump feels too weak ?

- All around jumping is a little off with the platforms in the middle, I'm guessing due to the velocity of the player, you're propelled back up a tiny bit and you're not able to jump again, despite having landed.
One thing that helps to avoid that is having a tiny buffer that allows you to jump something like 0.2 seconds after leaving a platform

- Ammo balance seems off, why does the dual pistol less much ammo than nailgun while being seemingly worse ? (more spread, as much damage ?)

- Not sure about the time slowing mechanic right now, it doesn't feel too useful in the state the game is in, though I could see it useful in linear levels

So yeah good work overall, I feel like it could be much better with a few tweaks but it's still fun to play around.


Thanks for the extensive feedback! Silencers are definitely a bit of an afterthought as I was just playing around with alt fire ideas and somehow got stuck with them in order to visually communicate to the player the switching from accurate-slow firerate to fast-fire but inaccurate. It's on the list of things to change though. Completely agree about the map design, it's largely just due to wanting to meet the deadline that I slapped on some tiling textures and called it a day. I do want make more story-driven maps (even for survival mode) in the future (but don't want to prioritise those right now). Movement is definitely also in need of some fine tuning. Glad you enjoyed it though!