An interesting demo, with good puzzles, a nice built-up story-wise too so it makes you want to see more. I wasn't a fan of it using the webcam without user consent, that was creepy to say the least.
After finishing the demo the webcam came on and just stayed on so that was.. troubling. Maybe it's always on while in the menu?
thanks for playing, Cryptic - so cool to hear your reactions and thoughts on the game. It's really valueable for us in moving forward with this game :)
About the webcam we promise you that no data was mined - What happens behind The Door stays behind The Door ;)
We are testing what level of "creepy" the webcam gives, and we know no other developers tried this type of implementation in a game before (to our knowledge). It may be a step to far in our effort to break "the 4th wall" and in the subject of personal information we are (also) dealing with in the game. It gives us room for thought on how the final implementation will be. Thanks again!
It can be tough to break the 4th wall, I do remember a game making files in certain locations and having you look there to find a solution to an in-game puzzle. With the camera, maybe some play with filters could alleviate security concerns? Regardless, looking forward to seeing where the story goes. :)