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As a radiation chemist, I will say that for this game jam I really wanted to do something nuclear themed for this game jam as thermal runaway and meltdown is the ultimate "Out of Control", but I couldn't think of a good way to implement it. I'm glad you found a way to do it!

I like the idea of literally being a neutron (Even if they normally only go in straight lines) and overall it's an interesting idea for a game trying to maintain the power balance. Unfortunately the inverted controls make this one near impossible to play (I turned my mouse around and held it backwards and even then it was very hard) which is a massive shame. I also can't seem to click options on the pause menu or the game over screen?

When restrictions relax I'd really like to see the controls uninverted to be able to focus on the rest of the game.

So glad you enjoyed it! It was a lot of fun doing the research to get this put together. I have two versions of the U 235 atoms that yield either 2 or 3 neutrons when collided with. Originally I kept the fission fragments behind but this was obviously a huge performance leech.
Thanks for the feedback! This is the first game jam I've participated in where I've been eager to continue support of my project after submission. I've left room for new/improved features (control inversion will be supported in the next update, I literally have the flag implemented in this version but never got around to hooking it up haha) as well as different difficulty settings and a more polished camera transition.