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I don't understand, I just have a black scr... Wait, hold on. What is happening? Whoooah!

On my first try I didn't understand what I was doing at all, and if it had any influence on the game, but it was pretty psychedelic already. And you're right: the album linked in the description goes perfectly well with the visuals! It was a great experience already.

Then I read the comment below, so I launched the game again and maximized the amount of squares, until there was so much that it stopped being squares, and it was like watching colorful clouds, or tv static, lines and shapes in a 3D space and my god, it's full of stars!

I really like those kind of contemplative experience mixed with procedural art. It reminds me a lot of Panoramical. Speaking of which, I think the game would benefit from some dynamic audio too! :D At least to provide a little bit of feed-back. Even if it's cryptic, it would be nice to know that pushing buttons actually have an impact on the game!^^

Anyway, while minimalist, this was a very pleasant game! :D

Thanks a ton for playing! I was thinking the same thing about it needing audio. My main worry was that any audio I added to the game would be fairly obnoxious and it might be better to direct people to use their own audio. But if I do an experience like this again in the future, I'll definitely risk it and reach out of my comfort zone and add audio :D