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A member registered Jul 02, 2014 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

You have to hold both a WASD key and an Arrow key at the same time to move them. If that doesn't work, are you using a European keyboard?

Level 4 is tough. I actually had a version without the little hooks you can use, and I don't even know if it was possible. My cheat is to hold one pair of characters against the wall while moving the others. Feel that's a bit anti what the game should be, but I'll allow it :D

It was amazing. Was on track most of the time too (till the end where I fell apart)


my finger tips were sweaty

I'll get there some day!

I find eventually I learned the patterns and was able to go a lot further as it became reflex. Take your time!

Is the soundfile for "80 seconds" right? It never sounds like 80 to me

I'm also unsure how to run. Do I need to install LOVE somehow?

This is really my kind of game! Some feedback: 

 - I think the screen transitions could be more instantaneous

 - Sometimes it feels the input is missed. Not sure if you're doing any input buffering or if my keyboard is just too old, but some more input buffering may help it a lot

 - I think it could be more forgiving. Like if you drop 5 charges then half or more appear in the room the next time you play. Or maybe you don't die 1st time but just drop things

Overall, great game! Top marks

Thanks for playing! I also enjoyed coming up with strategies for navigating the small space. Kind of happy how that turned out

There's also a few lines in the game you can follow, so like if you take the bottom platform and just about past mid-way hold up and go just through the stars on the edge of the top platform you can grab it:

There are a couple lines like that for different coins (can grab bottom right and top left for example if you hop down from the mid-right ledge). These lines change up as the game speeds up though

That was pretty cool! Had to restart chapter 3, didn't realize where the 2nd key was 

This is pretty cool. Sometimes the text box is in my way. At first I was thinking it should be on the left so I can see where I'm going, but sometimes I'm going left so there might be a better solution

Yeah I've been thinking about that! I wonder if I should just throw a simple up/down or circle control on the left screen and call it a day

Ah I hadn't even thought of testing on Chrome!

What happened in Chrome for you? My Chrome seems ok

Your work always inspires me to think about capturing those important parts of games. In particular, the tweening in this one really captures something. Makes me understand things that are lacking in my own life/work (because this kind of shape/colour thing is similar to what I would do, but it wouldn't have that extra bit of the tweening, I'd probably neglect that and it would be missing some magic)

(1 edit)

Hummus Man had a bounce right before this one. 

For this one I added grenades, tweaked movement, added a wave system, added upgrades. Can't seem to upload these 15mb gifs to imgur or giphy anymore...

(1 edit)

Did a movement pass (made the movement more snappy, added "friction", added variable jumping, added coyote time to the jumping).

Added a machine gun
Made weapons swappable with an upgrade (regular Gun, Machine Gun)
Gun Upgrade dispenser/pedestals

Fixed some bugs, started working on a new enemy type:

Not sure if this image worked this time... having difficulty uploading it.

Added music, player boundaries, a camera for when you switch to tower mode

Same here, they were going to add ground pound and dashing apparently. But they disappeared! They've left the Discord servers so we are unable to contact them. I'm going to continue my last bounce tonight

All I did was fix the player lag. We have a new team member going to take the next shot

(2 edits)

Camera is rotatable (mouse to rotate camera), added jumping to the player (space bar, second image) and a gun that can shoot (left mouse).

It was an old Game Maker tutorial game from back in my day (2003ish)

Thanks! I'm going to try to make a game with some of your assets, really loving em!!

When uploading to Mixamo and re-downloading the rig and animations, what's the best way to disable parts like the Mage's staff or the Archer's bow? I'd like to separate them out instead of watching some weird distorted animation

Thanks a ton for playing! I was thinking the same thing about it needing audio. My main worry was that any audio I added to the game would be fairly obnoxious and it might be better to direct people to use their own audio. But if I do an experience like this again in the future, I'll definitely risk it and reach out of my comfort zone and add audio :D

Thanks for playing! I agree, the controls aren't clear enough so a lot of people will just end up back at the blackness. The "game" is pretty simplistic atm, so giving the controls away right off the bat (hold down any key when things are moving upwards) might give too much away. But then again, it should be more of an experience than a game to figure out, so I'll consider updating the game post-jam with a splash screen

That's a good point. I think to take this kind of concept further I'd need to figure out a way to give feedback to the player more clearly.

Thanks for playing my little colour thing!

16-17 seconds was my fastest

Given it's timed, it would be very nice if there's a restart button (like R) so that you don't have to run down the clock when you make a minor mistake to restart

Yeah "puzzle" to the game is to figure out how to add more (then remove) everything. Basically when you see things moving up/down hold buttons down to add more to the screen. If they're moving sideways, then it'll remove things to screen. So if you hold always, you'll get a brief moment of colours then a bunch of blackness

There isn't too much game here, just a bunch of flying colours if you're into that kind of thing

Yeah there's a technique to get more colours. Basically when things are moving up, hold keys down and the screen will fill up more.

There's not much of a game, just some colours to look at if you're into that kind of thing

I tried remaking a game that I only have a vague memory of playing in the 90s on Windows 95 (I think). It's a top down shooter, you're in a grid world, and you shoot other blue arrows to beat the level. Very simple graphics. If anyone remembers the name of the game or has any information about it, please let me know. I cannot find anything out about it for the life of me.

I really like this concept, quite fun

Do you think this turtle game would have any appeal in China?

Why is this downvoted so heavily?