screw it, I'll prove it:
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This is really my kind of game! Some feedback:
- I think the screen transitions could be more instantaneous
- Sometimes it feels the input is missed. Not sure if you're doing any input buffering or if my keyboard is just too old, but some more input buffering may help it a lot
- I think it could be more forgiving. Like if you drop 5 charges then half or more appear in the room the next time you play. Or maybe you don't die 1st time but just drop things
Overall, great game! Top marks
There's also a few lines in the game you can follow, so like if you take the bottom platform and just about past mid-way hold up and go just through the stars on the edge of the top platform you can grab it:
There are a couple lines like that for different coins (can grab bottom right and top left for example if you hop down from the mid-right ledge). These lines change up as the game speeds up though
Your work always inspires me to think about capturing those important parts of games. In particular, the tweening in this one really captures something. Makes me understand things that are lacking in my own life/work (because this kind of shape/colour thing is similar to what I would do, but it wouldn't have that extra bit of the tweening, I'd probably neglect that and it would be missing some magic)
Did a movement pass (made the movement more snappy, added "friction", added variable jumping, added coyote time to the jumping).
Added a machine gun
Made weapons swappable with an upgrade (regular Gun, Machine Gun)
Gun Upgrade dispenser/pedestals
Thanks a ton for playing! I was thinking the same thing about it needing audio. My main worry was that any audio I added to the game would be fairly obnoxious and it might be better to direct people to use their own audio. But if I do an experience like this again in the future, I'll definitely risk it and reach out of my comfort zone and add audio :D
Thanks for playing! I agree, the controls aren't clear enough so a lot of people will just end up back at the blackness. The "game" is pretty simplistic atm, so giving the controls away right off the bat (hold down any key when things are moving upwards) might give too much away. But then again, it should be more of an experience than a game to figure out, so I'll consider updating the game post-jam with a splash screen