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This is a very creative take on the theme, and it works out super well too. Don't get me wrong, I found this game to be extremely hard, but I guess that's the whole point, haha! I would have never thought of this interpretation of the theme, but I really like it! The game looks and sounds good too, the only tiny critique I could have is that the driver switches views quite frequently which can be a bit dizzying, but other than that I really love this entry. Good job guys!


Thank you :)
We've had a lot of ideas which were very similar to other games made for the jam. But I've remembered a video about the second perspective and how it is made in the first Driver game and it fitted so well to the theme!
The cars are spawned randomly and the driver switches the lane when a car is in front of the truck. This can happen quite often but it doesn't have to

Makes sense, but yeah, cool entry :)