Thank you so much for your detailed feedback!! I really appreciate it!
I think you are very right with pretty much everything you said. I just didn't have time to implement most of it or even take away features. I only spent about 4 hours on this jam (spent about 36 on GMTK), and I wish I spent a little more. For #1 I probably just shouldent have put them there in the first place if they weren't implemented haha, lessons learned.
For #4 are you saying that each unit should have its own turn?
I do know about the pointer, I started out using a sprite that follows the cursor and didn't see the sf::Cusror class until later haha, by the time the deadline came up I didn't have time to make the switch. Probably should look up a library feature in like that in advance next time.
I did get a crash while playing once after the jam, it was in the release build and I unfortunately have no idea what caused it. Thank you for the report and screenshot, it may be helpful!
Thank you so much for your detailed review! :D