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Thank you so much for your detailed feedback!! I really appreciate it!

I think you are very right with pretty much everything you said. I just didn't have time to implement most of it or even take away features. I only spent about 4 hours on this jam (spent about 36 on GMTK), and I wish I spent a little more.  For #1 I probably just shouldent have put them there in the first place if they weren't implemented haha, lessons learned.

For #4 are you saying that each unit should have its own turn?

I do know about the pointer, I started out using a sprite that follows the cursor and didn't see the sf::Cusror class until later haha, by the time the deadline came up I didn't have time to make the switch. Probably should look up a library feature in like that in advance next time.

I did get a crash while playing once after the jam, it was in the release build and I unfortunately have no idea what caused it. Thank you for the report and screenshot, it may be helpful!

Thank you so much for your detailed review! :D


You’re welcome :) I’m aware you probably knew about most of it and you lacked time. So did I with my own game haha :p

I’m also submitting it to Godot Wild Jam #23 (a monthly one-week long game jam only in Godot Engine), so I’ll probably fix some of my shit, like rewrite the AI from scratch using a proper Finite State Machine. That was like the first TODO comment I wrote at the very beginning, and I should have spent more time on that very important piece of abstraction :D

I also want to test Godot’s pathfinding/path-tracking helpers with Navigation2D and their already available implementation of A star.

For #4 I did not have so much of a precise idea, I just gave a few pointers:

  • you could indeed make each unit have its own turn and “initiative”, Fire Emblem style. The gas would have its own initative, and the value of it could increase with the number of terms, so you get that stressful feeling as well.

  • you could make the player have to choose ONE unit to move around each turn, so there’s some strategy in the placement and order, like Chess basically

  • you could go full real-time, with a dynamic gas. But that gets quite complicated especially with lower level stuff like SFML (not sure how advanced it is really, I’ve barely used it)

  • In between you can have pseudo real-time with turns, using a timer of a few seconds. When it reaches <= 0s you advance to the next turn and reset that timer. It ’s the mechanic of cooldowns basically!

For those last two ideas, since it’s real-time, you really need good and efficient UX.

You can pick one idea, combine multiple, discard all of them, come up with your own… I’m just brainstorming here :D As I said, it’s a matter of what feeling you want to convey.

I think the best skill for game jams (and hackathons in general) is knowing your limits and how much you can push them. And for that, you need as much jamming/hacking experience as possible!

Also you can add me on Discord VikFro#4956 if you prefer! I’d be happy to give you feedback whenever you need. By the way I’m looking for other people to collab with for other jams. I’m trying to build a community of indie hobbyists throwing ideas and helping each other!

No obligations of course, but I feel like it’s the best vector of motivation to keep working on pet projects :)

Actually I was thinking of taking part in the godot wild jam as well (seems like we both like real time strategy games, maybe we could team up?) either this or next month.

For this I kinda was taking a more Turn Based Strategy approach like Civ or XCOM (despite the fact that an RTS may have been a bit more "out of control" haha). The goo could have been implemented a bit better with a dynamic procedural generated texture and I did consider that. I kinda like the idea of a timer, a bit like BSG deadlock?

Sent you a friend request on discord!