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I'm glad you enjoyed it! And yeah, we did write the game originally for Nanoreno so most of the actual script was finished in 1 - 2 months over a year ago and this meant we unfortunately had to take some short cuts here and there to wrap up the project because it'd already gotten a lot longer than originally planned. <3

We will definitely take what you mentioned about the forest scene into account for future games and we appreciate the detailed feedback. Also regarding Kazuya, it's more so that they hadn't really been foster brothers for long and rather than a brother, Kazuya views Ren more as a freeloading housemate (haha) at the start of the story and eventually as a friend (or lover, if you go down his route). They never grew up as brothers (both being almost grown adults) and Ren isn't legally Granny's grandkid the same way an adopted or biological kid would be in this specific situation. (Or at least, that's how we interpreted it while writing.) Again though, we'll definitely keep that in mind for the future and I see how it could have been elaborated upon. :)

Ah I see now,that makes sense. Thanks! Oh,and how to get Hatırı bad ending?