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That was a neat one! Aside from the controls I feel it =D Reminds me of ye olde Ys games, both in sound and feel (especially music, though it did have a slight Keiichi Okabe feel). If you would ever make it a full game I'd play it (if you fix the input lag). It was a bit tricky to get how to beat it, took me about 30 tries before I started to figure it out (I got the hint too late though). Overall it felt like I was playing Salt and Sanctuary in the late 80's.

Also, at this rate I hope more people find you to make VGM. Thought I'd get tired of a single track but you really made it work with keeping it varying, even though there were a lack of Evil Bagpipes.


Thank you for your kind words and nice to see you here trying out my game :)!

There is no noticable input lag on my PC and the controls feel instant to me. Are you on a gaming system? What browser are you on? It might be WebGL being wonky as I don't have much experience on performance optimization when building for web. 


You're welcome, always glad to see you being creative ;)

I'm on my regular Chrome browser, so that might have been the issue? I'll try download it and see if it's the same.


I managed to reproduce the issue of poor performance. If you have a gaming system but don't have hardware acceleration enabled in your browser you might encounter stuttering and input lag. This seems to be an issue related to the heavy post processing effects and the use of 3D graphics.

Normally I would point to downloading the desktop version to work around this but sadly I messed up the upload of that so the file might not work and since the game jam is currently in its rating process I am not allowed to replace it.

After the jam is over I will update the itch page with a working desktop version that should work on more devices. Sorry for the inconvenience.


You speak words me no can understand. My Toshiba laptop from 2013 with a stuttering Chrome is best gaming system ever!
Jokes aside, I've played it now as is and if the controls were on point I'd be more than glad to play more, so I'll wait until I can get the download to run and then try it out again. I'm on my way to rate it (need to rate 20 more games first... *sigh*).

Expecting more awesomeness from you, bud =)