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A member registered Dec 15, 2018 · View creator page →

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Really great artwork but unforunately it felt very difficult to play. The game could benefit greatly from having walking animations and more feedback from when stuff happened. I could barely tell when I hit an enemy or when I got hit. It also felt extremely difficult to dodge attacks when the room was so small and crowded. 

I feel dizzy lol.

I think the game could be improved greatly if you included an actual background. Right now the non-existent background in combination with the really fast camera makes the game super disorienting to play. Shooting-mechanics felt good otherwise and the dice mechanic didn't feel too unfair despite being random. Good job on your jam entry! 

Really cool! A few suggestions since it seems you're going to keep working on it:

  • I would've liked to see how well I'm doing since I sometimes felt like I stopped to think for too long. Maybe something like a health bar or something similar to signify that there is actual pressure would help.
  • Maybe the game could be paced even slower in the beginning. What if you let the coal required be available for the first few and gradually introduce the "split, swap, increase" mechanics?

Overall I had fun with it and the presentation was really pretty.

Cool idea and it was fun to play. I feel like it was very difficult to "think ahead" or so to say and most of the puzzles were solved by reading of the arrow keys in the bottom right and trying stuff until it worked.

It was easier to win when I started spamming the roll button. I'm sorry but I really don't understand how to play this well. I think the idea could've been implemented better with a tighter timing window and not forcing the player to wait for the die every time. The game looks pretty though! 

This is incredibly well presented. The music is great and the characters are super cute! I love how the music started once you exited the starting area and gazed out on the world, kind of like in breath of the wild opening. I got stuck on a ledge and had to restart the game, and I think the sentence building mechanic could be fleshed out to form more logical sentences but other than that this was a really really fun and charming experience and I actually got a little emotional at the end.

This is my favorite entry so far ! 

Do you have hardware acceleration disabled in your browser perchance? That utterly destroys most Unity WebGL games performance for me at least.

Thank you for the feedback on the gambling phase! If you don't mind, can you explain in more detail what you felt wasn't very well telegraphed? 

Cute and fun little story game :D

Super cool visuals and neat concept. I had fun playing (and breaking c; ) the game using the best tool THE EXPLOSIVE DICE. Cool game!

Thanks for playing and thank you for the in-depth feedback! 

The enemies do actually scale for each gambling phase you entered, but I think it is a little unforgiving in early stages right now if you don't get the best weapon upgrades. The bugs you have mentioned are things we have been struggling with but sadly didn't get time to get just right before the deadline, which of course is a shame. 

Again thanks for the feedback. It is very valuable in case we decide to make a post-jam version some time in the future :).

Five of the same dice-face! 

Really pretty presentation and snappy controls!

Lovely presentation and the concept is super cool! A little sad that it wasn't longer.

Very fun game and the presentation is absolutely gorgeous! 

Beautiful presentation and the music is super relaxing. Almost so relaxing that I forgot the timer of impeding doom!!! (the game was a little difficult to me :D)

Fun main mechanic! I think I ran into a problem where I couldn't find the enemy on wave 2. 

Some of the weapons are creative and unusual which I really liked :)

Wow I really like this! The presentation is superb and the concept is really fun. I was surprised when I entered the overcharge mode (can't remember what you called it haha) but it was fun seeing the ship going absolutely crazy. 

Glad to hear you liked it! I was definitely inspired by Metal Gear Solid boss design when coming up with the concept of the game :). 

Thanks for playing!

Cool game! I was taken aback of how scary it was but it really works!

Controls felt a little bit wonky to me. Music and visuals were awesome!

This was really fun! I just wish it was longer and had some audio feedback :)

hi i have managed to reproduce the issue on my PC by disabling hardware acceleration in my google chrome browser. 

If you want to try the game again, can you check so that enable hardware acceleration is enabled in your browser settings? That might be the issue. If it's not then sorry I don't know what could cause it :(

In that sense, you implemented the theme perfectly :D theme: 5/5

I managed to reproduce the issue of poor performance. If you have a gaming system but don't have hardware acceleration enabled in your browser you might encounter stuttering and input lag. This seems to be an issue related to the heavy post processing effects and the use of 3D graphics.

Normally I would point to downloading the desktop version to work around this but sadly I messed up the upload of that so the file might not work and since the game jam is currently in its rating process I am not allowed to replace it.

After the jam is over I will update the itch page with a working desktop version that should work on more devices. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you for your kind words and nice to see you here trying out my game :)!

There is no noticable input lag on my PC and the controls feel instant to me. Are you on a gaming system? What browser are you on? It might be WebGL being wonky as I don't have much experience on performance optimization when building for web. 

Thank you! I'm glad to hear that :)

that's odd cause it runs perfectly for me.

 i would recommend you downloading the exe and trying that but apparently I messed up the upload. I will fix this after the gamejam is over as I can't reupload now. sorry for the issues!

understandable. If I make a post jam version of the game it will have improved hints as I realized I was very vague...

but you were definitely on the right track :)

Cool visual aesthetic but I found it difficult to see what was going on at times. There were a bit too many flickering lights and camera shake for me. I also wish there was some visual feedback to how much health you have. Gameplay is fun and sound and music were great.

If I had more time I would definitely give boss some more moves. It gets a little samey I agree. Maybe something I can look into for a post jam update.

Thanks for your feedback!

A really fun little game I just wish there were more to it. Perhaps some obstacles that could result in a game over?

Control swap was implemented really well and the art and music were nice :)

thanks for the feedback! 

I considered using a healthbar but decided to go for the Metroid / Castlevania approach of keeping the enemy health hidden. Perhaps his healing magic would be more obvious if you could see his health go up though...

It's definitely something I will consider for the post-jam version :)!

Super cute visuals and audio! The gameplay was actually very difficult to me but not because of the real life distractions but because of the required jumps just being a little bit too pixel perfect for my skill level. Still loved the presentation and idea!

Wow this was so pretty and very fun! 

Level 8 got me! Couldn't figure it out!

Really cool interpretation of the theme!

Only negative i can say is that the spikes are a bit hard to see! Fun game!

Very nice. The games are fun, but some of them are more difficult to figure out than others.

I also felt like the level of polish varied a lot across the different games. Overall the game was fun! I My favorite was the ball minigame :).

Wow! Very polished gameplay feel and a really cool idea!

Only problem is... I can't get past the beginning. It's really difficult. Or maybe i'm just bad :D


This was a lot of fun!

Well dun!