I think I would really like this game, but there are two things that kinda kept me from really being able to progress: 1.) because the mouse is both used for moving the player and aiming, it's really tough to actually hit an astroid, and NOT run into it, as you'll be dashing towards it. 2.) I expected the second ship to already be there when I started, and just slowly go down, but it spawned in way later, and fell down like a literal brick, lol. I almost didn't see it, it went so fast. I tried to keep them both in the air, but it felt impossible. I'd recommend making them fall down slower and starting with both ships on the screen at once. I'd also recommend making the movment use WASD/arrow keys and the aiming use the mouse. Other than that I think the game has a lot of potential, I can see this being developed further into interesting levels, even with some puzzle elements, where you constantly switch between the two ships. Good job on this entry!