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This was so goddam frustrating. Cheers, really enjoyed the game. 

In a response you mentioned that the fact that you have a limited set of questions made it weird once they start repeating. Have you considered that after N questions the interview ends with different results according to your score?

like 0-25 you the bad ending you get right now(maybe higher stress for next interview), 25-50 you don't get it but you don't start next one stressed, 50-75 you get a 50-50 chance to get it, and 75-100 you get the job. idunno.

In any case, it was really fun and really felt out of control kinda puts things into perspective. I may had shed a small tear when I finally got the job.

Thanks a lot, our main goal was for the player to feel emotional at getting your job, happy to hear that it works. Love the feedback about set amount of questions, it will make interviews more easier to manage in difficulty level. We found that our easiest way to get our goal right in 48h was to make a pool of repeatable question, which is not the most fun to play.