Thanks! We were hoping to make an impact, happy that it worked!
Dragon Eyes
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Thanks a lot, our main goal was for the player to feel emotional at getting your job, happy to hear that it works. Love the feedback about set amount of questions, it will make interviews more easier to manage in difficulty level. We found that our easiest way to get our goal right in 48h was to make a pool of repeatable question, which is not the most fun to play.
Long answer generate more stress, but the balance is not perfect and that's why sometimes you have two good answers and one is way longer than the other. It is not perfect, based on the feedback and gameplay it would be more interesting that every answer is right, but you manage the stress more, making it more manageable and less luck base.
There is only 1 ending, the goal was really for you to try to get a job until you found a job. Nice for you to succeed on your first try. It's currently random if you got it or not, we should have added a easier curve the more interview you do to make a difficulty curve so it's harder to get a first try, making the ending more impactful.
We agree the balance of stress over interview score was hard like making the conversation flow more natural. It was a balance that we tried to fix over and over, but the main goal was to make sure that the player at least didn't win the first interview to make him earn is job, but sadly that means a lot of unnecessary frustration for the player, in the current state of the game.
The longer the answer the more stress it creates, more stress means more Tourette triggers. The goal of the game is to make the player a bit frustrated and to finally find a job. It is hard to repeat over and over the same interview and same question but we should have work on making the interview better and keep the "fun" frustration to encourage the player to keep going and find a job. Sadly we found that doing a text base game like that is not so easy in 48h when the content repeats a lot.
I did a similar game for the GMTK Jam 2019 2 weeks ago.
Your twist on it is clean and good for a puzzle game. I decided to embrase the chaos of failing!
Try this: and give me honest feedback so I can improve it :)
Try this: and give me honest feedback so I can improve it :)
Try this: and give me honest feedback so I can improve it :)
Try this: and give me honest feedback so I can improve it :)