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This my favorite so far! Good graphics (for 48h at least), fun music and fun mechanics.

The intro text was funny but got tiring fast when I just wanted to play the game. Also, while using Unity's low quality mode as a mechanic was really clever, I feel like it was not a downgrade considering my computer was struggling with the FPS a little (I use a weak-ish laptop).

The descriptions of the "upgrades" don't quite fit well what they actually do, but the effects themselves are very well fitting and I love what they do in the game. "Vertical Orientation" makes me crazy.

Thanks play playing!

We never considered that the low res mode with actually make it run faster so that's good to know. Unfortunately when developing on a high end machine it's hard to test performance especially in a games jam.

The idea for the descriptions was just to give you a hint on what the 'upgrade' would be. It was just another layer in the 'out of control' theme. I find flip screen, low res, black and white, auto turn left / right and broken accelerator all layered together utterly impossible to play.