I really like this game! I haven't come across any other card games in the jam, so this is very novel in that respect. The out of control nature of the wolf makes it fit very much in line with the theme. The wolf attacks at night add a lot to the game and add an element of strategy that is very nice. It creates a solid risk vs reward vs progress choice that is hard to nail but you seem to have done it near perfectly.
If you wanted to continue improving on the game, here's some suggestions. Keep the three decks of cards and house as a GUI element at the bottom of the screen and just have the camera change position when you pull a card instead of having to zoom into an area first. This would help the game flow better instead of constantly starting and stopping as you move to a new location for cards. Additionally, some sort of way to skip the wolf running to destroy a card bit at night would be a nice feature. It is fun the first or second time but starts to feel repetitive after that. Lastly, some sort of item trading system is nice. Maybe it takes a turn to walk to town to go and trade items, but if you spend to long in town and turn into a wolf, villager attack cards start to get mixed into the wolf deck and add more danger.
Overall this is a solid entry, it's kinda sad it doesn't have more support. Maybe try a web-build next year for ease of access?
Best of luck! If you have time, check out my game: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2020/rate/694820