Thank you! You are correct that this related to a specific combo and a specific eye pose.
The file is just missing for Morgan's lowered eyes in the "eye6" colour and "skin7" colour. Basically, I never would have found this problem without seeing the error code, so thank you for posting that.
Exception: DynamicImage u'mor_eyes_low_[eyecolor]_[skincolor]': could not find image. (u'mor_eyes_low_eye6_skin7')
This line in the error code is the one telling us exactly what is going on. When it tries to find the file "mor_eyes_low_eye6_skin7", it can't find it. Lo and behold, when I go look into Morgan's sprite file.........
That file isn't there. I guess we somehow just forgot to save it!
Thank for taking the time to investigate this error and show us the error code - we really appreciate it, and will fix it right away!
ETA: The problem was actually slightly different than I thought because the file was there, it was just misnamed! And this post also helped me find two other misnamed eye file. The DynamicImage used for the sake of Morgan's customisation requires very specific naming and we had the file as "mor_eyes_low_eyes6_skin7" instead of "eye6_skin7" - and that one little extra "s" was causing the problem. We also found two other eye files that had the same naming issue, so your post helped us fix those as well! Thank you. ^_^