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Things I liked:

This is a super original idea, and a creative take on the prompt. The different ship components were nicely distinct and clearly communicated their gameplay function. Your focus on buttons was good, because I think anything else would have been too difficult to control at the rapid pace required. Your tutorial level was a very clear way of communicating the rules. Art was very clear and functional, and the adaptive music was a nice touch.

Potential areas for improvement:

Your attempt to streamline the controls lead to confusion in some areas (the sliders and wheel took some getting used to). A pause button with the ability to go to the main menu would have been really nice, given that I ended up losing intentionally to get to harder difficulties. I think the most noticeable thing is that difficulty scaling based on levels is really hard to do with the concept you created; the way it is right now, the harder levels felt basically unwinnable because you can't navigate to enough panels. Maybe instead of increasing the amount of error caused by each component, increase the number of components? Or turn it into an endless single level with escalating difficulty? I'm honestly not sure about the best solution.


This game feels criminally underviewed given the creative concept and effective, cohesive execution. It was very fun to play, even if the later levels felt unfairly hard (I can't imagine making 60 seconds on nightmare mode). Well done!

(1 edit)

Thanks for your honest and complete feedback! The wheel and sliders were the hardest thing to make since when you click on them you need to keep your mouse over it all the time. And for the difficulties, there were added the last hours, meaning that I couldn't change much between them. I wanted to change the camera speed and rate at thing are disrupted  but my system couldn't endure that ( bad coding for the most part). For the game mode with escalating difficulty, it the thing you unlock with nightmare mode. And thanks again for you rating my game and leaving a so constructive comment!