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(1 edit) (+1)

Definitely a great interpretation of the theme. I love how the line of people act as a health bar - Mark would appreciate the dual purpose of that mechanic. It also allows for the opportunity to add more challenge in a full release. For example, the player gets a higher score for more people saved; this incentivizes not losing any individual, but also opens up the opportunity to try and save trapped characters. Doing so not only increases your time on the level - allowing the fire more time to spread - but it also adds another link in the line of people, adding difficult just like Snake does.

You could even give people abilities; the only example I can think of is that people wearing blue shirts release water when they die, extinguishing the fire a few squares around the line and thereby helping give the line a chance to reach safety.

Another idea for a full release: make the dungeon a puzzle? So there's multiple doors and not all of them lead to safety? Idk, I realize that's a complicated idea, but it's just a thought. Anyways, great submission! (Also, love the name!)


Hello there! :D Firstly, thank you for your very thorough review/feedback! That's too kind. :)

Absolutely agree with the scoring idea! I didn't have enough time to pop that in the end, but was thinking something to the effect of "time x people saved" would be a good scoring system! Perhaps bonus points from loot chests in the area (some found through one of multiple doors like you mentioned?).

I love the idea of saving trapped characters and extending the line! :D That and being able to release some small bursts of water (with limited amounts?) would be a really interesting dynamic. These are some really great ideas, very much appreciated! :D

Awww, awesome! I'm glad you like the ideas - they're yours! I look forward to seeing your future in gaming :-)