You got a yt channel??? You just got a new subscriber... 😗
I love the game so far, here's my suggestion:
- The story/tutorial dosen't need to be show to the player everytime they start a run, add a way to skip it, and/or maybe move it even before the menù appears...
- Show the range of the turrets, so that the player can cover zones that the turret dosen't cover
- Add some upgrades to the tower (maybe even for the ship), and let the player choose if they want a new low level turret, or if they want to upgrade an already existing one
- When the player has bought enough turrets the game it's basically playing itsely, because all the turrets do the job for the player
- For resolving the previous point maybe don't let the turrets target flying enemys, add multiple layers, or even add some enemys that go off the trial and destroys the turrets
- Two turrets can place sometimes in the same place... i don't have to say why this is bad...
- Stop the player when they shoot (or increase the stopping time it you already stopping it), you just can shoot an enemy mid-range, get an assured shot because the enemy is walking torward you, move it a little to not get hit, and repeat until is dead
- Some combination of enemys, sometimes, feel like they're unbalanced...
- Talking about enemys, add some feedback for when an enemy is hit...
- When the enemys hurt the the ship, the player dosen't get enough invicibility and/or knockback, and lines of enemys can, for this reason, lock the player in place, possibly forever...
- Now for a thing that dosen't regard the game at all... Having some gifs is certainly a good thing to do and have, but add some normal pictures too... (this point is extracted form your devlog 😗)