Excellent story! I liked it!
What did I like?
- The story.
- Game mechanics
- Game art.
- The animations.
- scenes transitions.
- The SFX.
What I didn't like?
- This looks bad:
(Maybe add a face to the plant, it will look so much better)
- Move how to play the game instructions, and the dialogue after the main menu.
- How to play instruction on the begging of the game, instead "Dialogue", write "Continue"
- On the dialogue, instead of writing" Press E", write Press "E" to continue, or Continue "E", or anything like that.
- Add a background music
- Maybe add a voice that calls Allen.
- Add like when the plant is talking, or Allen is talking, maybe add like
"Alien SFX", for example, this:
- Make the player can run, whenever I press "Shift" + (Movements inputs)
Great work! Keep making games, and never give up!
(I am sorry for being late to play, and to review your game! I forget to play it aka I played the wrong game.)