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Matthew Coder

A member registered Jul 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much! One question: which version were you playing? Because the bugs you mentioned sound like bugs I already fixed

Ha un effetto segreto!

Great! Did you find its use?

Ciao! L'ho già fixato, ma sto aspettando di accumulare altri bug fix prima di pubblicare la 1.0.2. Grazie del report!

Grazie mille! Dopo lo guardo per bene, comunque dei 4 bug che mi hai riportato:

il primo l'ho appena fixato nella versione 1.0.1 che ho pubblicato stanotte.

il secondo e il quarto sono intended, il ghiaccio non vuol dire che non puoi fare niente in quella casella, vuol dire che solo l'avversario l'avversario non può fare niente in quella casella nel prossimo turno, quindi a volte mette apposta una sua pedina nel ghiaccio per proteggerla. (ciò non toglie che l'ia a volte fa mosse direttamente a caso anche se sono strategicamente sbagliate perché è programmata per sbagliare di tanto in tanto). in ogni caso modificherò la descrizione del ghiaccio per renderla più chiara.

il terzo invece è un bug che correggerò nella prossima versione, grazie!

Fixed! I'll release an update patch soon, thanks again for the report!

Thank you for the detailed report, I'll look into it ASAP!


Thanks a lot, this really means a lot to me! 

Very cool game! had some problems at first with the html5 format, but it as quickly fixable. Very fun and creative game, I'd love to see this expanded, keep it up!

Great game! idk why, but growing MASSIVE vegetables has always been one of my fantasies hahaha! great job overall!!

Great interpretation of the theme hahaha! I don't know why but the pixel art of the fishes is really hitting that ds era nostalgia spot, great job! I loved it!

Great game, i espeially love the whole audio design part! If this really is your first jam game, I think you did an AMAZING job, congrats man!

I LOVE the chaos!! maybe a bit too punishing, but the wole thing is so charming that it doesn't matter, great job!

First of all: the graphics are amazing, great job guys! The game is also overall very fun and creative, keep it up!

Great game with a very cool art style! some levels felt a bit hard (or mayb it's me being dumb), bit i think this is an amazing game an deserves to be expanded, keep it up!

Great game! simple yet amazingly done! (also i love the mario kart ds font you used in the title, cool little detail)

Great ideas, amazing polish, good level design... this game has everything. Well done, I'd love to see an expanded version, keep it up!

Great game! It could be more fun if it was a bit easier, but most likely it's just me having a skill issue. Keep it up!

Thank you for making it!

Great thinking!! we could base some puzzles around this thing, mmmhhhh.....

Amazing game! Bro teach me how to make an art style this good, my god!

We have a top contender here, this game is amazing, nothing to add. Thanks for letting me know this existed!

Great game! I love "planets" games in general, and this looks very good, especially considering the time constraint. Amazing!

Such a clever idea, and the pixel art is so cute! A bit hard to understand at first but it immediately gets very fun! Great job, keep it up!

Bellissimo, super soddisfacente picchiare e vedere che persino gli alberi si spostano hahahaha! mi piace un sacco anche il 3d - finto 3d dei personaggi, non so come chiamarlo sembra animato in stop motion. Ottimo lavoro!

Great game! i really love the pixel art, and the puzzles are very clever! maybe shooting midair is a bit too hard, but that's probably me having a skill issue. Keep it up!

Simpaticissimo! nino >>>>> BOB. anche io mi sono bloccato a un certo punto, ma è normale, i bug capitano a tutti. Bel lavoro!

Love it, simple yet greatly executed, Great job!

Bro the art style is soo cuuute! The artst is very talented, but the whole game is very good, great job everyone!

The idea is mazing, love this kind of scenarios. maybe a bit too hard, but that's probably me being dumb. Great game!

Amazing game! satisfies my secret inner need for desert rushing cars, I honestly think this game can be expanded into something special! keep it up!

Great game! the controls are a bit hard to master but the game is really satisfying. I'd love to see this expanded!

Really cute game! I love the simple aesthetic, really some color theory at work here, Great job!

Great game, my only complaint is that it finishes: I NEED MORE! (really enjoyed it)

Very cool game! the visuals are really charming, and the concept is so good that it deserves to be expanded if a full game!

Amazing stuff! Grazie per aver commentato e per avermi fatto scoprire questa perla!

Bro this game is ready to be sold on steam wft, this has no business being this good! congrats man!

Fratello insegnami a fare un gioco così godevole, bellissimo! grafica assurda, personalità, juicynes, tutto!!!

Bellissimo fratello, adoro questo stile "sporco" di pixel art, prima o poi provo a fare un gioco in questo stile!