Chris is this possible to do with adventuron book mode?
I have page 001. I want to write description but there are no choices only press any key prompt. After pressing key i goto page 002. And again i output description and wait for key. After that the book ends.
I describe the pages in on describe code part. But this way i see output from both pages and then the press any key prompt blinks. I will post the code tomorrow. Maybe it is just something weird that i do with the goto command. When i use add option and inside it goto page commabd it works as intended.
EDIT: nevermind, figured it out the next mornin.. problem with the :done; commands they are very important :) here is the code
themes {
rounded_orbit : theme {
extends = two
theme_settings {
capitalization = original
layout = SB O X
columns = 48
shader = none
hide_status_bar_on_endgame = false
screen {
experimental_paper_section_corner_rounding = 5
status_bar_padding_top = 4
status_bar_padding_bottom = 3
colors {
border = #50D
paper = #000
status_bar_paper = #090
status_bar_pen = 14
start_theme = rounded_orbit
game_information {
game_name = test weird page bug
game_shortname = IOC
written_by = Rigachupe
year_of_original = 2020
year_of_release = 2020
uuid = 91383016-8664-4c4c-ad93-0ff6ba2c19c7
short_synopsis = Gamebook Story
game_version = 1.1.2
game_settings {
gamebook_page_scan_regex = true
start_at = 001_start
pages {
001_start : page "Page 1" ;
002_some_event : page "Page 2" ;
003_the_end : page "Page 3" ;
on_describe {
: if (is_at "001_start") {
: print "This is start page" ;
: add_choice "goto page 2" {
: goto "002_some_event" ;
: choose "what now?" ;
: if (is_at "002_some_event") {
: print "This is second page" ;
: press_any_key ;
: goto "003_the_end" ;
: done;
: if (is_at "003_the_end") {
: print "This is third page" ;
: done;