Hi, and thanks for your feedback.
- 3D view control is designed to be able to rotate the camera on all axes (right mouse button for roll axis, left mouse buttons for others) as well as the object (hold shift). Would you swap camera/object (rotate the object by default, hold shift for the camera)?
Actually I'd change lots of stuff in that 3D view (make light sources more obvious and make it possible to create custom environments), but I don't want it to become too complicated. - Are you talking about that bug that makes it impossible to connect nodes ? It's been there for quite some time, but whenever I decide to go and hunt it, it just refuses to show. Whenever I know exactly what to do to repeat it, fixing it should be easy.
- Could you elaborate on ugly interface? Is that just you don't like colors/fonts/widget shapes, or that you'd expect all nodes be squares with a preview and all parameters in a separate panel? ;)
- I have to agree with the graph zoom one (I never use zoom unless I need it for a screenshot of a complex graph). Fixing this should be easy.
- Hmm I didn't get much feedback about controls for float parameters, could you be more precise? I tried to make them somewhat behave like they do in Blender.
- There are already tesselated meshes to test materials (last 2 meshes), and post-processing effects could be part of a 3D view redesign.
- I already have a full time job. I started Material Maker (2 years ago) for fun with shaders, I'd say that user feedback and awesome materials they show on Reddit motivate me today.
Oh, and I have a question. There was a download spike yesterday and I failed to find out where it came from. Any idea? If there was an awesome video or article somewhere, I'd like to be able to thank the author and read/answer comments/questions. Thanks!