I can’t really test the game now, but took a look at the instructions. At some point you mention:
For windows users it’s simple, extract the contents of the zip folder to a location on your computer (your choice). Then enter the folder named windows, if you have a 64-bit PC then use x86_64, if you have a 32 bit OS use x86.
I haven’t used the latest windows versions, but when you mention the “folder named windows” are you referring to the system folder? If that’s the case I strongly advice to remove that text. Asking people to put files inside a system folder is extremely dangerous.
If your game needs to simply be extracted, and then simply run the executable file inside, then you can simply say “Extract the contents of the zip and run the executable inside”. The user can take care of the details.
Linux and Mac users just extract the files from the zip then install like any other software. I don’t know much about your systems, but their are many more people on the internet available to help a lot of them far more intelligent than I am. I hope this helps.
Fair enough if you are not familiar with Linux and Mac. Maybe you can change the copy to something like “I’ve exported the Linux and Mac versions with Unity, but I haven’t tested them”, or something to that degree. This makes it clear that it should work, but it’s up to the user to do the rest.
Sorry if my tone sounds a little sharp, but modifying files inside system folders is a big no on windows, especially for non-tech savvy users.
Congratulations on the progress so far, looking forward to see how the game evolves :)