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I agree with the comments, the mini-map works very favorably with a game like this and is a smart design choice! But the F key is kind of a strange mapping for a jump, is there any particular reason why you went with that?

I did find a bug where you can just keep jumping up forever, until you're out of the bounds of your play area and your score just keeps going up. You can even make your ball go offscreen, so that there's no shot of it getting killed and the score goes up indefinitely.

All in all, it has some flaws but I had fun playing it! Also, that song is super catchy. 😁


Thank you nickolasbanducci, I kept the mini map cause I too wasn't able to play the game. And coming to jump, I used "F" key because I forgot the syntax to set Space bar as a key!!!, I know its a dumb reason but its true.

Yeah I'll try to fix that infinate jump bug, and there are no vertical limit to this game, U can reach as high as possible until U run out off lives, while u will die instantly if u fall off the platform.

Anyways thankyou for ur feedback.


Haha that's not a dumb reason, we do what we gotta do to get the game made!

No problem, glad I could help ^^