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A member registered Oct 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hi core811, the game was so good that I didn't realize that this was your first game! until I read the description.

I just felt like the enemies were too quick in first go, maybe my reflexes were off :) still I loved the game.

Hi Bat754 many thanks for your feedback!

Yes the shooting mechanic was messy, actually I had other plans about  shooting mechanics but I joined late & was short of time. Thus had to compromise the polishing part & bug fixing. And I'll look into these soon.

Once again thank you for the cheer-up  and playing my game!

(honestly I didn't thought that I would receive such constructive feed-backs here)

Hi core811, thank you for you feedback!

Noted & actually the shooting part is an intentional feature. And I understand that its hard to identify this. Had thought of using reticle & particle system for shooting effects but was out of time so just sticked with a functional piece.

Once again thank you for your suggestions & playing my game!

Ok, will do

I am sorry for that, the sensitivity was fine  in the editor, but after build it was completely different and unfortunately I didn't had enough time to play test the game. I'll try to fix it later and thank you for your feedback

Thank you NANIkisunami for your feedback, unfortunately I didn't had much time to play test the game so I couldn't adjust the sensitivity!, once again thank you for your reply..

Loved the visuals and SFX, had few issues with obstacles apart from them the game was great!

Liked the game I played up to 2:23 only^^ and energy was draining too fast after 1:30.....

Thank you mrphilipjoel, for your feedback, that might be due to resolution problems, please try to play game in full screen mode, and it is working fine on my PC in chrome browser.

And one more thing the mouse sensitivity is too high in this game, so pls try to move mouse slowly..... I didn't had enough time to play test it..

So pls do reply after trying again

The game-play was smooth and simple!! and I thought I'd loose score for letting the wrong beans pass

Thank you PirroFrita for ur feedback, I thought of tweaking the sensitivity but I ran out of I had to submit it without much play-testing. Anyways  thank you once again : ) : )

Hey guys! you can also use  web version here

Thank you, for your feed back. Actually I started the development on the last day of game jam, so I was in hurry modelling all the stuff-so I couldn't give much attention. Any way I'll try to fix them.

And coming to logo its a character from my previous game "Fenzy_FPS", if u have free time do check it out :)

Game's good, but the ball was way too fast, nut concept was great!!

loved the game, but gravity dash , was way too quick for descending-

the game's very addictive, loved the art and mechanics....

Yes I too thought of patching up the controls a bit..., I'll try to resolve them in future updates

Loved the game!!!, the art and music are amazing and liked the pixel art style its cool..

The game's great and yeah had same issues with asteroids, I thought they were obstacles.....!!

Thank you MrJekerman, actually  I finished the game with-in 24 hrs, I joined the jam yesterday. So I didn't had enough time to polish the game.

Anyway thank you for your feedback!! and I'll try to fix them in future updates.

Thank Yous Mr_Bun, I'll try to change them in future updates!!

Hey man nice to meet you here again :D after score space jam, once again u made a great game, everything was smooth, and cool!!

nice game, liked the interpretation of theme and aesthetics, can u should try mine also which is too a FPS

Hey this game got coolest mechanics, Loved the rewind gun concept!!

Loved the game, both and level design and music were great:D

Hey this is a cool game man!!, the game play was good as well as, both the 3D art and music!!

Yeah it was really fun playing this game, the visuals and sfx were amazing!!

Yeah, thats a great idea, but I implemented a jetpack system, where u can fly by tapping "F" key, in case u want to do an aerial attack or u fell off the map..

Hey loved ur game, the art and music were awesome, but I was quickly running out of shurikens, when ever enemies attacked in swarms!!, except for that everything was great!!

Thank you yellosubmarine for ur support!!

Hey this game's simple and great. The art and sfx are good, and I agree with others the limitation of movement was good for it.

The gameplay's cool and unique. both art and music were great, it would be great if it was available for mobiles.

Hey just played your game its great!!, music and visuals are good but the helicopters were spawning too fast, was a bit confused weather to defend the tower or get maximum kills!!

This game's cool with the retro look, visuals and great music!!

This game's great the visuals and sfx were good, and even the interpretation of theme was unique, well I think it would be great if we were able to move the ship and dodge the missiles, they were homing too fast.

Thank You Carter Games for ur feedback!!

Just played your game it was cool, art and music were great and loved your theme it was sarcastic yet real....

Thank you nickolasbanducci, I kept the mini map cause I too wasn't able to play the game. And coming to jump, I used "F" key because I forgot the syntax to set Space bar as a key!!!, I know its a dumb reason but its true.

Yeah I'll try to fix that infinate jump bug, and there are no vertical limit to this game, U can reach as high as possible until U run out off lives, while u will die instantly if u fall off the platform.

Anyways thankyou for ur feedback.

Thank You Fewmade, I just forgot to include the instructions scene while building the game. And I'll try to change the jump controls in future updates!!!