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Yes i already entered with an interesting idea. It is about the way objects from scene are dissasembled and reassembled as something else :D. For example you find and icecube and tea. You can split icecube into ice and cube objects. Then you can combine ice+tea = icetea. The way it works gives a lot of possibilities to mess with and have fun in the game. Also i finally started to use the new way of room definitions so the code is more readable. 

Sadly, again time is short and there are new issues that i need to solve. So when i get to it the jam could be at the end dammit :-/. 

Chris would you consider please adding vertical scrollbar into the adventuron IDE? It would be faster to click and drag the scrollbar than scrolling with mouse or key pressing. And maybe highlighting with some color small parts of the scrolling area to indicate where are booleans defined, where is on_start, where is on_describe etc... so you just click and the IDE jumps there. This is good when you write new boolean variable somewhere in the code for the first time and then you need to scroll manually (or ctrl+f search) to boolean section to define it there. Or if it is too much then an easier method would be alt+left and alt+right to jump between the defined sections. 

I vote for vertical scroll bars. I asked for it years ago (well, it seems like that), but they haven't eventuated yet. Without vertical scroll bars, you don't know where you are within the code or what proportion of the total code is taken up by the visible area. You can't scroll without losing your selection, unless you want to spend ages scrolling around with the mouse wheel. And you can't scroll quickly to other parts of the code if you have an error and the section shortcut menu is missing.

ok, I'll see if I can add a vertical scroll bar option to adventuron. I personally find them difficult to use but I appreciate it's subjective therefore I shouldn't impose my preference on everyone else.

Vertical scrolbars have been added to the beta version.

As far as the other requests, they are noted, but fairly low priority for now as it's a lot of time investment to write a custom renderer for the scroll bars. I will try to work on better jump navigation, but I maintain that CONTROL + F, then typing the name of the section is likely faster (or ultra marginally slower) than any jump list changes I can make.

Thank you for the scrollbar.


Do make sure you don't print too much text paragraphs without adding : press_any_key; events between them, especially if you lock the layout.

And do test on mobile. Use layout_mobile and avoid using LOCK on mobile.


What exactly lock layout means? Is that the commands that cause to wait for something like asking question or choice selection?

Hi Rigachupe.

I can see that Doodley the Ducktective and your other new game both have the same "upload settings" problem with Itch. 

Please pay attention to section 9 in this document (games should launch in full screen, be mobile friendly, and select "portrait" mode).

Also, your gamebook style game seems to have too much text for the "border" mode. Are you extending the "TWO" theme? If so, that's not ideal for the type of game you are writing. I recommend that you set the number of columns to 72 in your theme. You might be better off with a more readable font too.

themes {
   your_theme : theme {
      theme_settings {
         columns = 72
         columns_mobile = 40
         font = plotter_bold_extended

Please write to me at and I'd like to work with you to show you all the different display options as it does seem that you are sticking to the TWO theme. If that's out of choice, don't worry about it, but I did notice that it's not optimized for high text games, so I do think at the very least, you need to increase the columns that are displayed, even if keeping everything else the same.
