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Boost is broken. ended up getting 100 damage
Also not sure if its the end of the game but after the citys i get stuck with nowhere to go.

(1 edit)

Yea, also stuck. Maybe we shouldn't have killed all those innocent citizens. Bad karma ...

/edit: Figured it out - no bug.

(use to decrypt).

Tip 1: Lbh pna fgrny vqf ...

Tip 2: Guvf vf gehr rfcrpvnyyl sbe cynarf, juvpu pna syl ...

Tip 3: Naq lbh pna erybnq gb trg vg onpx vs lbh nyernql unir xvyyrq vg.

Deleted 3 years ago

Boost is actually working perfectly as intended :)
after the city you have to defeat the mayor to progress. He's in the third city map. Also, you eventually need to steal the ID of a plane to cross water.

U have to use the Plane's ID to fly over the water