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Just another suggestion, what if the crafting mechanic was handled a bit differently?

With the current method, you have to drag the parts together, which is cool, but the game glitches out sometimes and clips the items through walls and other structures. It is also difficult to combine parts when you can only do so on the crafting table and dragging the parts can be frustrating at times when they just don't go where they’re supposed to when you need to rush to craft.

Is it possible to implement a player specific inventory? Or maybe even a hot bar to hold things temporarily and combine them by selecting hot bar items then pressing a button? It would make the crafting much quicker and more user friendly. This way there wouldn't be any unwanted items clipping through structures or parts flying everywhere when you try to pick them up in a pile or a number of different reasons.


I have many other suggestions if you'd like to hear them.

More suggestions means Dasius will read even more suggestions, which means more things will be implemented, and he'll be spending his time reading instead of having a life, which means he won't be able to live, thus that's an easter egg, and a message to us all, that games kill people.   = Logic.


Lol love it! 


(2 edits) (+1)

Hey Tripster124567,

Thanx again for your suggestions. 

I wanted to avoid (if possible) using traditional inventory/hotbar systems. I feel it really pulls the player out of the game. I also wanted to keep your screen clean and simple a.m.a.p .  This system definitely is not the best nor perfect but I would like to one-day optimize it so it works better.  If it does require an alternate method, then I will consider something like a hotbar or inventory. 


You can visit my Trello page and leave any suggestions there as well.


Yeah I understand, it does make the game unique and I do like the idea. The game is still very new aswell so it is expected to be optimized yet, no worries, so far so good!


Also, I'm a bit lost and new to Trello, how can I write a suggestion or bugs I find there? It seems like all I can do is subscribe to each category of cards.

I'm horible with Trello but I think if you subsribe to the board, you can post.

I can post in the comments but I can't like post a suggestion card. I am subscribed

I've heard Subnautica is great with Trello, you can try to copy their ideas a little

Wasn't sure what section this would go under trello.

How about the weapon pieces have light snapping points on the workbench when placing them(like the anvil)? That way the weapon won't glitch through the wall or table if the next piece is placed facing the wrong direction.

Hey VonThunda,

I'll keep your suggestion in consideration. Thank you!